To open a zoo in England, Scotland and Wales, you will need a licence from the Council.
At least two months prior to applying for the licence, the applicant must inform the Animal Welfare team in writing (or email) of the following things:
- The proposed location of the zoo
- The types of animals and approximate number of each group kept for show at the zoo and how they will be housed and looked after
- The approximate numbers and roles of staff to be employed in the zoo
- The approximate number of visitors and cars/vehicles expected at the zoo
- The number and place of all entrances to the zoo
- How conservation measures will be put in place at the zoo
The applicant will also be required to publish notice of their plans in at least one local, and one national newspaper two months prior to making the application. This notice must include the proposed location of the zoo and inform the public that the application notice will be available to read at the Council House, Coventry.
The cost of a zoo licence is £4,250.00 plus all DEFRA inspector charges for existing zoo licences.
A zoo licence runs for four years. You will need to renew your licence after this period.
Right of appeal
If you wish to appeal you should contact the Animal Welfare team. The appeal must be made within 28 days from the date on which the licence holder receives the decision in writing.
Coventry Dog Wardens
Our telephone number is for live incidents only, such as stray dogs.