Coventry Tree Wardens

Do you want to help protect Coventry's trees?
People with an interest in protecting and promoting the city's trees are invited to join the Coventry Tree Warden Network (CTWN). Visit the Coventry Tree Warden Network (CTWN) website for more information on joining the network and future activities.
Some people have already joined the group and a committee has been formed to coordinate the network's activities with the Council and The Tree Council.
The Tree Council works with local authorities, voluntary organisations, parish councils and local partnerships to set up and develop Tree Warden networks. Today there are over 8,000 Tree Wardens in communities throughout the UK, devoting a total of over 1.8 million volunteer hours a year.
The group will give people who feel that trees matter an opportunity to play an active role in championing and protecting their local trees.
Tree Wardens can get involved with a range of activities, from practical projects such as planting and caring for trees to gathering information about local trees and developing imaginative projects to encourage others - including schoolchildren - to value their local trees and woods.
The Programme Director for The Tree Council, which co-ordinates the Tree Warden Scheme nationally, said: "Volunteering as a Coventry Tree Warden is an excellent way to champion the community's trees and do something really useful and positive for the local environment.
"The Tree Council is working with its members, like the Council, to make more people aware that trees matter - and that effective action for trees and woods means a great deal more than just planting new ones. It sees Tree Wardens as a key part of its community action programme.
"Coventry Tree Wardens are not only the eyes and ears of their communities on tree issues but also have an important part to play in encouraging others to value their local trees."
Environmental charity The Tree Council is an umbrella body for 180 member organisations, including the Council working together for trees. A registered charity, it promotes the planting and conservation of trees in town and country. Its goal is to make trees matter to everyone.
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