Summary of the make-up of the City Council before and after the 3 May 2018 elections.

Party Number of seats 2017/18 Number of seats 2018/19
Party: Labour Number of seats 2017/18: 39 Number of seats 2018/19: 40
Party: Conservative Number of seats 2017/18: 14 Number of seats 2018/19: 13
Party: Independent Number of seats 2017/18: 1 Number of seats 2018/19: 1
Party: Total Number of seats 2017/18: 54 Number of seats 2018/19: 54

Electoral Services

Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm (excluding bank holidays)

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 3034