Our volunteering opportunities are open to everyone including groups and businesses, whatever skills, or background you have. We endeavour to make our volunteering experiences worthwhile, with everyone being given the necessary support to carry out their tasks.

Volunteering tasks

At Coombe the volunteering roles and tasks are varied. As well as helping the thriving and diverse natural landscapes around the park, volunteering is beneficial for you too.

We provide all the tools, training, and equipment you need as well as free car parking for the days that you are with us.

If you have a group or business that would like to get involved with a volunteering task at Coombe Abbey Park, then please email your request to coombe@coventry.gov.uk and our estate team will get in touch. We will then contact you to discuss tasks and if we have any availability. We help groups and businesses to get involved with volunteering tasks and in return ask for a donation to enhance the estate, (although this is not mandatory).

Reasons to volunteer

Some of the benefits and reasons to volunteer with us include:

  • Meeting new people,
  • Developing or learning new skills,
  • Boost your own health and wellbeing,
  • Experience amazing wildlife and landscapes.
  • Do something rewarding and give something back to the community.
  • To have the chance to see a different side to Coombe Abbey Park.
  • Improve your CV
  • Have some fun.
  • To build confidence.

We will provide all the tools, training and equipment you need as well as free car parking for the days you are working.

If you would like to find out more about our volunteering opportunities, then please email your request to coombe@coventry.gov.uk.

Find out about other volunteering opportunities in Coventry's parks and open spaces.