Key pieces of public information for download, produced in line with the Care Act 2014 requirements for local authorities to ensure information about care and support services is available for people and their carers.
- Adult Social Care and support available
- Adult Social Care assessment and eligibility
- Financial advice and support
- Support for Coventry carers - carers' assessments and rights
- Safeguarding
- Advocacy
- Mental capacity
- Preparing for adulthood
- Guidance for self-funders
- Your guide to short term/Discharge to Assess (D2A) services
- Getting involved in Adult Social Care
- Adult Social Care Experience Survey
- Complaints (listen to me)
- Adult Social Care Keeping you safe, picture communication (widgets)
Charging for services and deferred payments
- Charging for non-residential services
- Residential and nursing care funding
- Adult Social Care Online Financial Assessment
- Deferred payments
Direct Payments, Personal Budgets and options for Personal Budgets
- Personal budgets
- Easy read guide to getting a Direct Payment
- Step by step guide – Direct Payments and Financial Records
- Setting up a Trust Fund for Direct Payments
- Prepaid cards
- Carers Direct Payments
- Direct Payments leaflet English
- Direct payments leaflet Arabic
- Direct payments leaflet Gujarati
- Direct payments leaflet Urdu
- Direct payments leaflet Punjabi