Introduction: What do we do?
Coventry Adult Education Service exists to provide accessible high-quality learning opportunities for adults that make a difference to their lives and helps them to progress. We enable people to build their skills for work; get a qualification; try something new; make new friends; meet people from different backgrounds; increase their confidence, independence and wellbeing to achieve their personal goals and connect with their community.
We strive to empower those with the highest level of need, reduce inequalities and improve the wellbeing and life chances of people in the city
‘Being able to continue to learn and improve means so much to me and how lucky l am to live in Coventry with an Education Service who gives me and people like me with learning problems a chance to learn to be a part of my community allowing me to make choices in my life to take me forward and of course also giving me a positive outlook on people and life’
Learning programmes target those who are unemployed; whose first language is not English; young people who are not in employment or training; families and young parents; older people who are no longer working and require social engagement; as well as those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Within the council the service is part of the Employment and Skills Teams alongside the Job Shop and Employer Hub, providing a seamless service for residents.
Our offer includes:
- Skills courses (accredited) in English, maths, ESOL, Digital, Early Years, Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools, Health and Social care, British Sign Language, Community Interpreting
- Community Learning courses e.g., digital, art, photography, fitness, music, dance, languages & Family Learning
- Active Learning programme for adults with learning difficulties and disabilities – skills for work and independence
- ‘Study Programmes’ for 16-18 year-olds and 19-24 year-olds with an Educational Health Care Plan
- Apprenticeships and Supported Internships
- Pre-employment courses - Sector Based Work Academy Programmes and Sector Gateways to meet local employers' needs.
We recognise that partnership working, building on trusted relationships is vital to engaging vulnerable adults. We acknowledge that we should not accept that certain individuals or communities are ‘hard to reach’ and try to make our provision ‘easier to enter’. To this end, we collaborate with a range of voluntary and community sector organisations, faith groups and other stakeholders to extend our reach and maximise impact.

Adult Education Service
Address: Southfields Old SchoolSouth Street