Allegations of abuse against staff

11.1 Coventry Adult Education Service takes all safeguarding matters including low level concerns and/or allegations that harm to a child has occurred against staff seriously and will manage them in line with this policy, Part Four of Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2022) and the CSCP Guidance, ‘Allegations Against Staff and Volunteers’.

11.2 Allegations or concerns may include

  • Staff having behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child
  • Staff possibly committing a criminal offence against or related to a child
  • Staff behaving towards a child or children in a way that indicates that he or she may pose a risk of harm to children or
  • Staff behaving or possibly behaving in a way that indicates they may not be suitable to work with children (including behaviour outside of work). This is known as ‘Transferable risk’

11.3 If a concern or allegation of abuse arises against the Senior Lead – Adult Education or should there be a conflict of interest to the Senior Lead – Adult Education re, it must be immediately reported to the Chair of the Steering group – Cllr Kindy Sandhu who will report concerns directly to the LADO

11.4 If a concern or allegation of abuse arises against any member of staff, supply teacher, volunteer, or contractor other that the Head of Centre, it must be reported to the Head of Centre without delay

11.5 Concerns or allegations of abuse against staff must be reported to Senior Lead – Adult Education or Chair of the Steering group as appropriate and not discussed directly with the person involved

11.6 The Senior Lead – Adult Education or Chair of the Steering group should consider if the concern or allegation meets the harms threshold for Designated Officer intervention and seek guidance/advice if unsure by emailing The details of the LAdo can be found of the front of this policy. Make an immediate referral.

11.7 Concerns relating to a position of trust issue will be referred to the Local Authority designated officer within 24 hours

11.8 If a child has suffered or may have suffered abuse or harm, a MASH referral will also be made

11.9 In the instances where an allegation is dealt with internally, the Local Authority designated officer will provide information and support to Coventry Adult Education Service in managing the allegation

11.10 A referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service will be made if a member of staff is dismissed or removed from their post as a result of safeguarding concerns, irrespective of whether they have resigned

11.11 Supply Teachers, agency staff and all contracted staff

11.11.1 Although Coventry Adult Education service does not directly employ supply teachers and contractors, the service will ensure that any concerns or allegations are referred to LADO and the relevant agency informed as the employer

11.11.2 Coventry Adult Education service will never cease to use a supply teacher for safeguarding reasons without liaising with the Local Authority Designated Officer and reaching an agreed outcome

11.11.3 Governing bodies / Senior Lead- Adult Education will liaise with the recruitment agency to determine whether to suspend or redeploy the supply teacher whilst they carry out their investigation

11.11.4 Coventry Adult Education service will inform supply agencies of its process for managing allegations, including inviting the agency’s human resource manager (or equivalent) to meetings and regularly updating agencies on relevant service policies. The service will usually take the lead because agencies do not have direct contact with children or staff, so will not be able to gather information

11.12 Governors / Steering group members

11.12.1 If an allegation or concern is about a Governor, the service will follow local procedures

11.13 Volunteers

11.13.1 Risk assessments and a DBS check will be requested for all volunteers. Under no circumstances will a volunteer prior to satisfactory checks being completed be alone with children unsupervised or allowed to work in regulated activities

11.14 Whistleblowing

Coventry City Council whistleblowing policy

11.14.1 Coventry Adult Education Service operates a culture of safeguarding, and all staff should report any concerns about poor or unsafe practice, or the service’s safeguarding processes to the senior leadership team

11.14.2 Appropriate whistleblowing procedures are in place whereby the senior leadership team will take all concerns seriously

11.14.3 In the event that a member of staff is unable to raise an issue with senior leadership in the service, they should refer to Part 1 of Keeping Children Safe in Education for additional guidance on whistleblowing procedures.