What is the family learning programme?

Our Family Learning provision promotes strong, positive relationships within families, enabling parents and carers to support their children’s learning and development.

Our vibrant range of programmes are designed specifically for families and provide an excellent opportunity to meet other people with children of a similar age to share ideas and experiences.

Sessions are always free, and open to all parents / carers of children aged 0-11, whatever their experience or ability. The Family Learning team are all qualified teachers with recent and relevant school experience, each holding a current DBS disclosure.

Our courses are not accredited (so no assessments or exams), and usually last for 2 hours per week, over five or ten weeks. You will get a certificate of completion at the end of a group.  We spend time in sessions demonstrating and making inexpensive games to make learning fun and provide free resources for families to use at home with their children.

Family Learning sessions take place in schools, family hubs, and community venues across the city. See the following pages for a quick overview of the available courses.

For more information on these courses, please call Kate on 024 7697 8730 or email aeslifeskills@coventry.gov.uk

To enrol, please visit our online enrolment portal and click on the family learning tile.

Adult education contact supplement image

Adult Education Service

Address: Southfields Old School
South Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5200