Who to contact for Safeguarding concerns
Everyone has the right to lead their lives free from violence and abuse. If you are concerned that you, or someone you know, is being abused, neglected or becoming radicalised either on your course or in your personal life, please tell someone.
Who to talk to
- Contact an Adult Education Safeguarding officer on 024 7697 6250
- If you feel a child or young person is at risk contact 024 7678 8555
- If you feel a vulnerable adult is at risk contact 024 7683 3003
- If you feel someone is being drawn into radicalisation, extremism or terrorism contact the Police anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321 or the Police on 999
Adult Education Service
Address: Southfields Old SchoolSouth Street
What kinds of things are Safeguarding concerns?
Keeping learners, staff and visitors safe is very important to us in Coventry Adult Education Service.
Safeguarding is about protecting adults and children at risk of abuse or neglect and we all have a part to play in keeping ourselves and others around us safe and free from harm.
We also have a duty to Prevent people from being drawn into extremism or terrorism. We support learners to express their views in a non-extremist way and discourage them to be drawn into violent or terrorist activities.
Types of abuse
- Bullying, including online bullying
- Discrimination/hate crime domestic abuse
- Emotional or psychological abuse
- Extremist views leading to terrorism
- Female genital mutilation, financial or material abuse
- Forced marriage
- Grooming
- Modern slavery
- Neglect
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual exploitation
- Trafficking
Adult Education Service
Address: Southfields Old SchoolSouth Street