Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) Task Group
As part of the Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) work being undertaken in Coventry, we are looking to create a directory for all care home staff to be able to access, hosted on the ICB website.
This directory will provide useful links to training, referral pathways, information and key contacts. Another ICB have done something similar which we are hoping to replicate. Please see example from Integrated Care Northamptonshire (icnorthamptonshire.org.uk) [https://www.icnorthamptonshire.org.uk/carehomes].
We are really keen to hear the voice of those working in care homes to know what would be most useful and are looking for volunteers to join a task and finish group in the new year (2024). The ask of you would be to attend the task and finish group meetings and participate in discussions around content for the site, as well as feeding back on pilots of the site, and to trial using them in the care home. The meetings would be once a month for an hour from early next year and there would likely be between 4-6 meetings in total.
We are really passionate to have your voice in this work. If you are keen to be a part of the project or if you have any questions, please contact sophie.meszar2@nhs.net [mailto:sophie.meszar2@nhs.net].