VCSE - Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise

Coventry City Council and the ICB are funding a diverse range of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations to deliver preventative services across the City for the next two years through the Preventative Support Grant.

The organisations include: 

Name of organisation What they do Website
Name of organisation:

Coventry and Warwickshire MIND

What they do:

Providing mental health drop-in centres, community support and wellbeing courses

Website: []

Name of organisation:

Involve Coventry

What they do:

Mental health support group, information, advice and informal advocacy

Website: []

Name of organisation:

Enabling Spaces

What they do:

Enabling Spaces provide a specialist hoarding and self-neglect prevention and intervention service – access through referral only

Website: []

Name of organisation:


What they do:

Mental health supported living/promoting independence service

Website: []

Name of organisation:

Alzheimers Society

What they do:

Dementia advice, support and training through their Dementia Connect service.

Website: []

Name of organisation:


What they do:

Support to live independently with hearing loss.


Coventry - BID Services []

Name of organisation:

Coventry Resource Centre for the Blind

What they do:

Preventative support service for people in Coventry with sight loss

Website: []

Name of organisation:

Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire

What they do:

Information, advice and outreach services for older people in the City.

Website: []

Name of organisation:

Good Neighbours

What they do:

Reducing isolation and befriending project for older people

Website: []

Name of organisation:

Moat House Community Trust

What they do:

Support to access local communities for isolated people.

Website: []

Name of organisation:


What they do:

Wellbeing and community support for people with a learning disability.

Website: []

Name of organisation:

Trident Reach

What they do:

This Learning Disability Service offers a housing-related floating support service to people with learning disabilities and/or autism, aged 18 and over in Coventry. The service also helps support customers develop the skills and resources required to live independently.

Website: []

Name of organisation:

Carers Trust Heart of England

What they do:

Support for young carers in Coventry

Website: []

Adult Social Care Commissioning