Adult Services Learning Hub

We have developed a Learning Hub [] - SharePoint pages used to host resources relating to practice development, learning, research and evidence. These are only available to Council employees who work for Adult Social Care.

Adults Safeguarding Board Training Programme

The Adults Board has a workforce development training plan [] which identifies the training that is available from each partner organisation and how this can be accessed. The Board also organises three multi-agency learning events each year which focus on various topics in order to raise understanding and awareness.

British Journal of Social Work

A new Open Athens organisation 'West Midlands Social Care' is now live, and this will be the way you can access the journal.

You will need to register. To do this go to [] and search for 'West Midlands Social Care' under the organisation. You will need to apply to register with your local authority email address.

When registration granted the Journal, itself can be found in My Resources – search in ‘Oxford Academic’.

Care Act 2014 training videos

The Care Act 2014 is a key piece of legislation in the social care sector. SCIE has developed an online Care Act training resource with the Department of Health and Social Care, exploring duties around eight Care Act themes identified by Parliament’s Social Care Committee.

The training includes bite-sized videos identifying the social care practitioner legal duties and the impact of the legal duties on people in the community. This resource can be used as a refresher for more experienced social care practitioners and/or during the induction of newer social care practitioners.

Watch the training videos [].



“I find CareKnowledge easy and simple to navigate, so I can find relevant information on so many social care topics, making my practice more informed”

An important part of the Learning Development offer, Adult services have an organisational subscription (individual subscription to CareKnowledge would cost you £140 per year) offering unlimited access to expert, evidence-based information across the whole spectrum of social work practice.

CPD-accredited special reports and briefings, a twice-weekly newsletter with the latest social care news and developments, it’s a valuable resource for you and your team.

If you’d like to access CareKnowledge (and why wouldn’t you) email: []

Change Grow Live - Drug & Alcohol Awareness training & information

Read the 2023 Programme for Professionals. []

To book any sessions please email: []

Clinical Research Network - Introduction to Research In the Social Care Setting

An exciting interactive learning programme: Discovering more about research in The Social Care Setting.

Who is this training for?

  • Those in the social care setting who are new to research
  • Anyone who is working in research and would like to know about how research works in the social care or social work setting.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand why we do social care research
  • Understand legislation governing research, supporting organisations and the research approvals process
  • Explain the roles of the research team
  • Develop an understanding of how studies are delivered in the social care settings, and identify opportunities to become research active

To start, visit NIHR Learn []

Download and print the flyer []

Community Care Inform - Adults

We are happy to announce that Coventry City Adults Service has invested in access to Community Care Inform Adults [] for the entire workforce. Community Care Inform provides a vast range of learning and development tools and guidance to support social work and social care professionals in your work. The website holds a library of up-to-date, legally compliant resources including practice guides, case law digests, legislation, research reviews, and training activities all of which are access virtually. These cover a wide range of subject matters, so not matter your role or the practice guidance you need, you should be able to find a resource to support you.

The fundamental purpose of Community Care Inform is to support your knowledge and decision making, legal literacy and confidence in your practice and save you time. Community Care Inform has resources to suit all different learning styles and lots of the resource take less than 20 minutes to read, watch or listen to, like their podcast series – Learn on the go.

All learning you do using Inform can count towards CPD requirements with Social Work England, and there is an easy-to-use CPD log which you can use to keep track of your learning throughout the year ready to be uploaded for reregistration in November.

If you haven't already been sent an invite to join please email [] to request access and they will provide you with details.

To support everyone to access and get the most out of Community Care Inform we have set up 4 short workshops to provide a demonstration and answer any questions you may have.

The date options are:

  • Introduction session for Managers & Supervisors  - Tuesday 9 April – 10am-11am
  • Introduction session for all staff - Monday 15 April – 12noon-1pm
  • Introduction session for all staff - Wednesday 17 April – 10am-1pm
  • Introduction session for all staff  - Thursday 18 April – 3pm-4pm

Book your session []

Coventry Interpretation and Translation Unit (CITU)

Coventry Interpretation and Translation Unit (CITU) [] is part of SEND (Special Education Needs and Disability). It supports professionals across all  Council departments by providing a confidential and impartial service to people whose first language is not English or who have a sensory impairment.

CITU provides interpretation and translation services in almost every language spoken in Coventry. All our interpreters follow the Council’s policies and procedures and are committed to their own Code of Practice, which includes maintaining the confidentiality of the service user. CITU interpreters have the necessary skills and experience to interpret at case conferences, LAC reviews, child in need meetings, investigations, home visits, meetings, trainings, etc. Interpreters can be booked for face-to-face, MT, and telephone interpreting.

They also provide written translations of a variety of documents which includes case conference recommendation letters, reports, appointment letters, care plans, Assessments, etc. into various community languages and vice-versa.

They also facilitate telephone and sign language interpreting which is available through external agencies.

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm and Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm

Manager: Kulwant Manku.


Coventry Interpretation and Translation Unit

Address: Floor 5,
Broadgate House,

Telephone: 024 7697 5506 [tel:02476975506]

Coventry Safeguarding Children Partnership

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, particularly protecting them from significant harm is dependent on the effective joint working between agencies and professionals that have different roles and expertise.

Access resources and information []. []


Are you “Carer aware?”

Whether you are a carer, work with carers or are just interested in finding out more, this online course is for you.

Find out:  

  • Who is a carer
  • What are their rights
  • What support is available in Coventry
  • Where to find further information
  • Test your knowledge and get your certificate

Access the Carer Aware course [/carerawarecourse]

Are you "Young Carer aware?"

If you would like to find out more about the role and rights of young carers and how they can be supported why not take a look at our Young Carers Course.

Access the Young Carer Aware course [/youngcarerawarecourse]

Direct Work toolkit

Direct Work downloadable resources []

Domestic Abuse Awareness E-Learning

Domestic Abuse Awareness E-Learning []

HEE elfh (elearning for healthcare) hub

Providing e-learning to educate and train the health and care workforce.

Our e-learning programmes are developed in partnership with the NHS, 3rd sector and professional bodies and can be accessed for free, 24/7 by health and care professionals.

Register and access the hub [].

LGBTQ Learning Framework

Please see information about the LGBTQ Learning Framework [].


Mental Health - free courses

Information about free courses on Mental Health topics. []

Mental Health Law Online

Mental Health Law Online []: This is an invaluable resource for all those working in the field of mental health and mental capacity law.

This site, run by practising solicitor Jonathan Wilson, is about much more than mental health law.  It has pretty much all the primary and secondary legislation relating to both mental health and mental capacity law in England and Wales, together with statutory guidance and transcripts of hundreds of cases related to both fields of the law – if the transcript of a case is not available here it is probably not available anywhere.

This site is free to access, and you can arrange for free updates to be sent directly to your inbox.

NHS Continuing Health Care programme

The training tool is designed to enhance and develop the knowledge and application of NHS Continuing Healthcare to all practitioners involved in the breadth of the process and to provide a uniform approach to a national standard.

The topics covered include the legal background to NHS Continuing Healthcare policy, high-quality assessment and decision-making, dealing with disputes, and skills training for staff involved in NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Since the introduction of the National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare in 2007 and its subsequent revisions in 2009 and 2012, the variation in the numbers of people receiving NHS Continuing Healthcare funding has reduced. As part
of the transition to the health system architecture of Clinical Commissioning Groups and the NHS England, the requirement for a national online training tool was identified. It is important that the progress made since the introduction of the Framework is consolidated and sustained.

Register and access [].

For local processes 2 hour ‘New Starter’ sessions please contact []

NICE guidance resource to support evidence-informed Social Work practice

A West Midlands ADASS endorsed resource supporting practitioners to identify how NICE guidance can support evidence-informed Social Work practice [].

Oliver McGowan Training

In July the Health and Care Act 2022 introduced a requirement that regulated service providers ensure their staff receive training on learning disability and autism which is appropriate to the person’s role. The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is the standardised training developed for this purpose and is the government’s preferred and recommended training for health and social care staff.

There are two tiers of training:

  1. Tier 1 is for those who require a general awareness of people with a learning disability and autistic people, and the support they may need. Guidance and access to the Tier 1 training. []
  2. Tier 2 is for health and social care staff with responsibility for providing care and support for an autistic person or a person with a learning disability. This is anyone who provides, or may be required to provide, a service to a person with a learning disability or an autistic person, regardless of how often that may occur. Guidance and access to the Tier 2 training [].

To attend Tier 1 or Tier 2 training you must have undertaken the e-learning. This is available through the e learning for healthcare portal [].

The Oliver McGowan training is hosted by Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust on behalf of Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System [] for health and social care. For more details on the training programme please see the dedicated webpage [].



Prevent Courses about the Prevent Duty placed on the Local Authority and other public agency partners.

Prevent - Raising Awareness

This course provides an introduction to the Prevent Duty placed on the Local Authority and other public agency partners. The Duty states that public bodies must have due regard to the risk of people being drawn into supporting terrorism.

The workshop aims to give an overview of the main points of the Prevent Duty with a focus upon raising awareness of:

  • vulnerability to radicalisation
  • behaviours and signs around vulnerability
  • the risk
  • the support available to individuals
  • how to access that support

The workshop is suitable for all staff who work within the Local Authority and local partner agencies.

Prevent - Train the Trainer

As with the Awareness course this course provides an introduction to the Prevent Duty placed on the Local Authority and other public agency partners. The Duty states that public bodies must have due regard to the risk of people being drawn into supporting terrorism. The Workshop, aims to give an overview of the main points of the Prevent Duty with a focus upon raising awareness of:

  • vulnerability to radicalisation
  • behaviours and signs around vulnerability
  • the risk
  • the support available to individuals
  • how to access that support

In addition the Train the Trainer workshop is intended to enable participants to deliver the workshop within their own workplace. To do this, additional content includes:

  • More information around the Prevent Duty
  • Social Media and radicalisation
  • Resources
  • The Home Office requirements

After attending the workshop, participants will be able to register to become a WRAP trainer. The workshop is suitable for all staff who work within the Local Authority and local partner agencies.


Council employees can book online via the prevent page on the intranet

Non-council staff can book a place by emailing [] 

Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention Competence Framework

As committed health and social care professionals, we should all be concerned about the incidence of suicide rates seen in some of our population groups. Being aware and recognising the potential warning signs of suicide is a key step in being able to respond, reach out and offer support to people. This new resource will help health and social care workforce to consider their role and responsibilities in supporting suicide prevention, recognising early warning signs and taking action appropriately to truly make a difference when it counts.

Access the Competency Frameworks [].

The e-Learning resource has been developed alongside Public Health England (PHE) and has been supported by families who have lived through suicide, as well as health care professionals who work in mental health services.

Onine Training can also be found at Zero Suicide Alliance []

Shelter - homelessness and housing

Home is a human right. It's our foundation and it's where we thrive. Yet, every day millions of people are being devastated by the housing emergency.

We exist to defend the right to a safe home. Because home is everything.

See a full list of all the training available. [] We have access to 5 free places per course.

Please email: [] to book at place.

Skills for care

Skills for care [] are a trusted independent charity with over 18 years of experience in workforce development. The website below provides practical support and resources for recruitment, development, and leadership.

Social Care Information & Learning Services (Scils)

Social Care Information and Learning Services is an online learning resource/community dedicated to the Health and Social Care Sector.

A wide range of social care materials are available either for online or group learning along with other services that support social care professionals in furthering their knowledge, some examples below:

  • Addiction
  • Cultural Information and Activities
  • Dysphagia
  • Hospital Discharge
  • Nutrition and Hydration
  • Reablement
  • Sign Language
  • Stroke

To gain access to the SCILS website [] please email []

Social Work Connect

Social Work Connect was launched by Siobhan Maclean from Kirwin Maclean Associates in 2018.

Coventry Adult Services have invested in this innovative, valuable resource, thus making learning easily accessible.

This is an excellent learning tool especially if you are one who finds it challenging with applying theory and critical reflection to practice. This learning resource is designed to provide you with that instant guidance and as a critical friend.

There are nine interactive sections such as:

  • The Envelope Activity - This activity encourages the user to provide some key points about a piece of work. Theories and models which may be relevant to the practice are then suggested.
  • Critical Reflection - This section provides a range of information about developing both reflective practice and reflective supervision. Different models of reflection are covered, and advice given on reflective writing. Examples of good reflective writing appear.

You can have free access and also make learning and application of theory to practice fun. Contact Ayesha Rahaman- []

Stakeholder training planner

Sessions  include:

  • Rough sleepers
  • Emergency accommodation
  • Overdose and naloxone
  • Havens Women's Aid
  • Domestic violence 
  • and many more

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the training planner please email Lisa Hardie-Russell [].

Professionals can request an invite as almost all sessions are online, making the sessions more accessible.

If teams or partners, would like to contribute to any sessions throughout the next 12 months please email: Lisa Hardie-Russell []

Information required;

  • Session title
  • Time and date
  • Duration
  • A contact email.

University of Birmingham

Approved Mental Health Professional PGCert, PGdip

“I thought very seriously and carefully about training as an AMHP because it is a particularly demanding and specialist role, involving rigorous training and needs 100% commitment to a programme of study which is intense both academically and vocationally.  The AMHP training, I have to say, is (rightly) the most intense and stimulating form of education I have had the pleasure of engaging in. It pushes your boundaries of learning to a deeper level and I've found the practice-based and academic learning to be mutually enhancing and can see how it will equip me to discharge my duties as an AMHP responsibly.”

If you are thinking about training to become an AMHP, the first thing to note is that the number of AMHP training places available will depend on your service level requirements. The application process involves an interview with Coventry City Council and your acceptance by the course provider, the University of Birmingham. You will also require evidence of agreement for release from your place of work, caseload, and team obligations.

The studying is spread over three years,

  • Year one involves spending some time in a relevant mental health team gaining an understanding of the role and statutory duties of the AMHP.
  • Year two of the course involves part-time study at the University and time spent in a relevant mental health team
  • Year three involves 8 months of full-time study with the University and placement in a mental health team

Your application will also need to be supported with evidence of an agreement to participate on the AMHP rota once qualified (which may be a considerable commitment following year three)
During the period of the course, you will need to attend assessments across the city (and sometimes out of city) which will likely involve some out of hours work.

For further details of the AMHP pathway please contact: []

West Midlands Social Work Teaching Partnership CPD opportunities

As a member of the West Midlands Social Work Teaching Partnership, we have access to the regular CPD opportunities which are organised by the Partnership. Please see what’s on offer this month [].

Coventry Health Determinants Research Collaboration

The Coventry Health Determinants Research Collaboration is establishing a research infrastructure to reduce health inequalities and improve the health of Coventry residents as well as impacting nationally and internationally. By creating a dynamic and sustainable research infrastructure and working with the people of Coventry to identify their needs and priorities, we will stimulate, support and disseminate research to identify evidence-based solutions to the factors impacting people’s health.

A key part of the Coventry HDRC is our training and skills offer. The HDRC website [] signposts to a range of free resources from organisations such as The Open University and the National Institute for Health and Care Research on all aspects of research. On this page you will also find details of range of webinars on research we are delivering. The first webinar, Upskilling Residents to be Community Researchers, is available to watch on the Coventry HDRC YouTube channel [].