How do people learn?

How do people become more effective learners?

This is a question that has been debated for thousands of years and whilst there are too many theories to count, there are a few basic things we can do to help ensure that the training process leads to better outcomes.

Trainers need to be punctual, present themselves in a professional manner, and create an environment that provides an equal opportunity for all learners.

Equally the behaviour demonstrated by learners will have an outcome on the quality of the session. Here are a few simple considerations for when attending a classroom or virtual training session:

  • Arrive or log on early enough so that you are ready to start on time and ensure you are able to attend the whole session.
  • Check you have your mobile silenced and when online, mute your microphone if you have background noise.
  • Bring an open mind and be prepared to engage. Willingness to learn is essential and the best learning is interactive, it is also more enjoyable.
  • When you are online keep your camera on and be mindful of shadows and silhouettes that can make it difficult to see your face.
  • Real-life accounts can provide great insights. Share your experiences, and encourage other learners to contribute.
  • Be present. If you use your laptop to take notes, please do not check your emails. Respect the trainer and your fellow learners.
  • Please complete your evaluation form/digital survey. Your feedback is important, trainers love hearing how great the session was, but we also want to find out if we can make it even better.

If for any reason you area unable to attend a training session please email [] as soon as possible.

Virtual learning

  • Please turn your camera on during the session, unless the trainer asks otherwise. This makes the session more interactive and helps everyone identify who is speaking, enhancing understanding for the entire group.
  • Mute your microphone to reduce background noise.
  • Use functions like the chat window and icon buttons to contribute. More functions are being added regularly so keep yourself updated []
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Try to ensure your set-up is favourable for learning and will minimise distractions.
  • Finally, if you are forced to leave the session before it finishes let the trainer know as if you were physically leaving a face-to-face training session