Introduction and scope

A thriving and skilled social care workforce means a better quality of life and positive outcomes for Coventry’s adults and their carers. We are proud of our workforce and this Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy is all about ensuring we have the right people in the right place at the right time with the values, skills and experience to deliver the care and support needed both now and in the future.

Coventry City Council's ‘People Plan’ recognises that like most Local Authorities, Coventry has experienced, and is continuing to experience, very challenging times in relation to funding availability which has changed the way services are provided and delivered. This change in thinking has resulted in a greater need for creativity, commercialisation and working with partners to develop shared outcomes.

The People Plan identifies the action we will take as a Council and an employer in order to deliver the workforce vision and crucial workforce objectives, particularly paying close attention to organisational development and leadership. The central theme of the plan is to continue to build and develop a ‘One Coventry’ culture. One Coventry is the council’s approach to partnership working to enable a citywide public service ethos.

The Plan also details how we intend to improve capacity, capability and processes to deliver the Council’s ‘One Coventry’ priorities, which are;

  • Increasing the economic prosperity of the city and region
  • Improving outcomes and tackling inequalities within our communities
  • Tackling the causes and consequences of climate change
  • Continued financial sustainability of the Council
  • Council's role as a partner, enabler and leadership.

Download a designed PDF version of the report.