Priorities and objectives

Based on the evidence base gained through the coproduction and research activity, as well as statutory responsibilities for partner organisations, five priority areas have been identified for the Coventry and Warwickshire Strategy. A number of objectives have been developed against each of the priority areas. These objectives will be underpinned with place-based delivery plans that will ensure this strategy is delivered within the local context of services and support and that it has an active life cycle.

Priority 1

Support autistic people and people with social, communication and emotional health needs to help themselves pre and post diagnosis

Improve early identification of characteristics linked to autism through wide ranging education and training and reduce the need for a diagnosis to access appropriate support. Provide information and advice to people with social, communication, sensory and emotional health needs in order to promote self-management, family resilience, independence and wellbeing. Enable and empower people to develop their own solutions and networks of support in their communities through developing a better understanding of the third sector services people are using; enhancing peer support networks and facilitating information sharing.

Priority 2

Reduce inequalities for autistic people and make Coventry and Warwickshire autism friendly places to live

Improve the health and wellbeing of autistic people through developing autism friendly towns and cities in Coventry and Warwickshire, including taking action to ensure autistic people experience equality of access and inclusive services and support. We all want to live in communities that support each other, without prejudice, to get the most out of our lives. Respecting human rights, citizenship and offering inclusive approach to all citizens must extend to everyone, including in access to education and employment, and autistic people as well as their parents and carers should be no exception. Commission and deliver mainstream and specialist services in a way which does not restrict access nor exclude people on the basis of an autism diagnosis. It is the responsibility of all services to ensure accessibility and appropriate support for autistic people within their service, acknowledging that this may require training and development for the workforce.

Priority 3

Develop a range of organisations locally with the skills to support autistic people

Ensure that a wide range of organisations that can provide skilled support and services are available and accessible in local areas to meet the health, care and education needs of autistic people. Enhance the skills of our existing workforce to achieve more personalised support from services through an increased understanding of autism across the workforce, from awareness raising through to specialist autism expertise.

Priority 4

Develop the all age autism specialist support offer

Commission and deliver a coordinated and personalised offer of support for autistic people across all levels of need, promoting early intervention and enabling people to navigate this offer as their needs change. This includes redesigning the autism diagnostic pathway and focussing on all age pathways to better support transition from children’s services to adult services.

Priority 5

Co-produce, work together and learn about autism

Co-produce solutions and services with autistic people and their families and collect and share the information that will enable us to learn and improve our offer to autistic people. Evaluate the impact of Covid-19 on the lives of people with autism and commission services in the way that responds effectively to people’s needs during and following the COVID-19 pandemic.