Join the Culture Works Collective
We are now looking for people to join the Culture Works Collective as ‘The Reps’ to oversee the delivery of the remaining Coventry 2017-2027 Cultural Strategy. This is a great opportunity to get involved in the future development of our city and to ensure arts, culture and creativity can make a real difference to people's lives.
If you are interested in applying, we recommend you first read the Culture Works Collective - your questions answered web page and then the details below on how to apply.
We are now looking for:
- Up to four Reps from small cultural organisations based in Coventry
- Up to four cultural sector freelancer Reps
- Up to two people who will be the resident representatives
If you are interested in becoming a Rep, please send us an application which should include:
- Your name and street address, including postcode
- Your phone number
- Your email address
- Whether you are applying as a small arts organisation, a creative freelancer or a resident (please only pick one)
- A brief explanation (no more than 320 words or 1min 30 second minute video) of why you want to become a Rep
- A brief explanation (no more than 320 words or 1min 30 second minute video) of what you will be able to bring to the role
- A brief summary (no more than 320 words or 1min 30 second minute video) of what you think is the biggest opportunity for arts & culture in Coventry and why
If you are applying by written application - please submit in a widely available format (for example as an attached Word document or PDF). Please do not send links to cloud storage locations (for example Google Docs/Drive).
If you are applying by video – please send us a private YouTube link – please do not send any videos via email and please still include your contact details in writing.
We may not be able to assess your application if you don’t include all of the information above so, please double check before sending. Please do not exceed the word limits or the video time limits, as we may only assess parts of you application.
Please let us know if you have specific access needs by emailing and we will contact you to discuss these in more detail
Please send your application to, with your contact details clearly written down.
Please send your complete application by 23:00 on 13 January 2025
We will also be organising two virtual information sessions:
- 11.00am on Friday 3 January 2025 and
- 9.00am on Monday 6 January 2025
Please email to sign up to these sessions.
Data Protection
Coventry City Council complies with the Data Protection Act and the UK GDPR and is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) as a Data Controller.
Our Privacy Notice explains how personal information is going to be used, what for, who it will be shared with and why.