Attending school is often seen as crucial for developing not only children’s academic ability but also their skills, values, cultural knowledge and sense of citizenship. Equally, it is recognised that most children will occasionally not attend school for a short while during their education. However, for a proportion of the school age population, this absence becomes extended and acts as a barrier to learning and development. Knowing how best to support children and young people with extended school non-attendance can be challenging. As there are many possible reasons for the non-attendance and many different ways to support.

When supporting children with extended non-attendance, schools should work in close partnership with families and seek support from their link SEND and Inclusion partners to agree a graduated response. In some cases, this will lead to an improvement in the situation and no further action will be needed. In cases, where despite this support being provided, the young person’s situation has shown no or only limited improvement, schools may refer the young person’s case to the Extended School Non-Attendance Advisory Panel (ESNAAP).

Please ensure that parents are aware of and understand the privacy notice before submitting referrals. The Attend Tool must also be completed prior to completing the ESNAAP referral form. 

The ESNAAP referral link is now closed for the summer term. Please visit this website again in the new academic year for further updates.

ESNAAP’s current remit is to act in an advisory role to signpost schools to a range of services and pathways available to support them and to offer advice on the ATTEND framework which can support conversations with a child and their family to help identify and address barriers to attendance. The panel is not able to provide additional funding or resources to settings.

ESNAAP is made up of professionals from Coventry’s SEND team, Attendance and Children Missing Education team, Work-Related Learning, the Education Psychology Service, Early Help, Alternative Provision and Health. The panel meets once a month to discuss referrals and agree on the advice and guidance to be given to each school for their consideration. After each meeting, a member of the panel will feedback the outcomes of their discussion to the school together with advice. This may be signposting to additional resources and support, or in the most complex cases, a short-term intervention from Alternative Provision may be suggested.

SENCO Guide for extended non-attendance in Schools - Early Support

Referrals for HES intervention for year 11 pupils are not considered after the Autumn term (December 2023 Panel)


Extended School Non-Attendance Advisory Panels 2023/24


Meeting details

Deadline for referrals

Wednesday 20 September 2023


10am – 12noon

Venue MS Teams

Thursday 14 September 12pm

Wednesday 11 October 2023


10am – 12noon

Venue MS Teams

Thursday 5 October 12pm

Wednesday 15 November 2023


10am – 12noon

Venue MS Teams

Thursday 9 November 12pm

Wednesday 13 December 2023


10am – 12noon

Venue MS Teams

Thursday 7 December 12pm

Wednesday 24 January 2024


10am – 12noon

Venue MS Teams

Thursday 18 January 12pm

Wednesday 28 February 2024


10am – 12noon

Venue MS Teams

Thursday 22 February 12pm

Wednesday 20 March 2024


10am – 12noon

Venue MS Teams

Thursday 14 March 12pm

Wednesday 1 May 2024


10am – 12noon

Venue MS Teams

Thursday 25 April 12pm

Wednesday 5 June 2024


10am – 12noon

Venue MS Teams

Thursday 30 May 12pm

Wednesday 3 July 2024


10am – 12noon

Venue MS Teams

Thursday 27 June 12pm

Attendance and Children Missing Education Team

Please choose Option 1 if you are calling us.

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5434