Fair Access Protocol
The School Admissions Code September 2021 requires each local authority to have in place a Fair Access Protocol (FAP) agreed with the majority of schools in its area. The requirement is supplemented by further advice from the Department for Education (DfE) ‘Fair Access Protocols Guidance for school leaders, admission authorities and local authorities’ published in August 2021. This sets out some principles to clarify the expectations on all state funded schools (including academies and free schools etc.) as well as all other admission authorities to ensure that FAP’s operate effectively at a local level.
The Coventry Fair Access Protocol ensures that, outside the normal admissions round, unplaced children are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible. This protocol does not apply to Looked After Children, nor pupils who have a statement of special educational needs or Education, Health and Care Plan. The protocol also seeks to ensure that no school - including those with available places - is asked to take a disproportionate number of children who have been excluded from other schools, or who have challenging behaviour.
- Primary Fair Access Protocol
- Primary FAP process flowchart
- Primary FAP referral form
- Primary FAP Retrospective referral form
- Secondary Fair Access Protocol
- Secondary FAP process flowchart
Useful links
Attendance & Children Missing Education team - Please choose Option 2 if you are calling us.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097