Free School Meals privacy notice

What we do

Free School Meals are a statutory benefit available to school-aged children from families who receive certain qualifying benefits. Younger children may also be eligible for Free School Meals if they attend a local authority nursery school or nursery class and attend full days. Coventry City Council Benefits Service administers the award of Free School Meals for eligible children in Coventry on behalf of the Government.  

What personal data do we collect and how do we use it? 

We need to collect your personal data in order to assess entitlement to Free School Meals. This data may include:

  • Your contact details (name, address, telephone number and email address)
  • Details about you (date of birth, national insurance number)
  • Details about your child (name, date of birth, school)

If you have completed an application for Free School Meals, or have indicated on a claim for Housing Benefit and / or Council Tax Support that you wish us to assess you for one, you provide this information to us directly. 

We also carry out a data matching exercise each year to identify children who might be entitled to Free School Meals. Further information about this can be found here

We use your personal data to:

  • Check whether your child is eligible for Free School Meals 
  • Notify your child’s school of their entitlement to Free School Meals 
  • Provide food vouchers to support families during the school holidays 
  • Deal with any complaints or concerns 
  • Detect fraud and protect public funds

How the law allows us to use your personal data

The Council has a legal obligation to deliver our ‘public tasks’, one of which is to provide Free School Meals to eligible children in Coventry. The laws that allow us to handle these applications and to enrol pupils in Free School Meals are the Education Act 1996 and Localism Act 2011.

We need to have a lawful basis to process personal data under data protection law. Our lawful bases are:

  • Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation (Article 6(c) of UK GDPR) 

  • Processing is necessary for performance of a task carried out in the public interest (Article 6(1)(e) of UK GDPR) 

 Who we share your information with 

We will share information with: 

  • Your child’s school or early years provider to let them know that your child has been awarded a Free School Meal 

  • The Department for Education’s Free School Meals checking service

How do we keep your personal data secure?

We use the following measures to ensure that your personal data is secure:

  • data protection and security policies,
  • information security incident reporting, data and device encryption,
  • system and data access controls,
  • user accounts and passwords,
  • physical and environmental security,
  • staff vetting practices,
  • staff training and awareness,
  • data back-ups,
  • ICT network penetration testing, and
  • business continuity and disaster recovery plans.

How long will we keep your personal data?

We only keep your data for as long as the Law requires it, and this is in line with the Council's retention schedule.

Your rights

Your Information rights are set out under Data Protection Law and, subject to some exceptions, you have the:

  • Right to rectification - to ask for information to be corrected
  • Right to erasure - to have your personal data deleted
  • Right to object - to how your data is used
  • Right to restriction - to request limits on how your data is used
  • Right to portability - to request that we move your data to another organisation
  • Right of subject access

If you have any concerns or questions about how we look after your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer, at