Information to be supplied for the registration of a stillbirth
- date and place of stillbirth
- the forename(s) and surname, if the parents wish to name the still-born child
- sex of the child
Father (where this information is to be entered in the register)
- forename(s) and surname
- date and place of birth
- occupation at the time of the stillbirth or, if not employed at that time, the last occupation
- forename(s) and surname
- maiden surname if the mother is, or has been, married
- date and place of birth
- occupation at the time of the stillbirth or, if not employed at that time, the last occupation
- usual address at the date of the stillbirth
- date of marriage, if married to the still-born child's father at the time of the stillbirth
- number of previous children by the present husband and by any former husband
It is most important that the information recorded in the stillbirth register is correct. If any mistake is made, for example in the spelling of a name or surname or in the description of the father's or mother's occupation, it will be difficult for the parents or other person who registered the stillbirth to have it put right.
If English is not the mother's or father's first language and help is needed with registering the stillbirth, it would be helpful for a relative or friend to be with them when the registrar calls and act as interpreter. But the parents must register the stillbirth personally as a relative or friend cannot register instead of them.
Register office
Telephone: Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm. Building opening times: 9.00am - 4.30pm Mondays and Wednesdays, 10.00am - 4.30pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.00am - 4.00pm Fridays.
Address: Cheylesmore Manor HouseManor House Drive