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Rapid Reads - The tree that sang to me

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There are 2 responses to “Rapid Reads - The tree that sang to me”

  1. Jasmine Says:

    I really liked reading tree because the setting for the tree was very interesting. I also liked Kai and Sky, they look very cute together. It was very understanding and a mix of guiltiness and emotion. 100 percent a book to read again and again.

  2. Alexa Says:

    I really like this book as it is a very emotional book and is very friendly. The setting doesn't show the expectations of a fairy tale than different books. The plot is very interesting as it had a mixture of guiltiness and emotions. In addition, it is very dyslexic-friendly as the pages are not plain white but colours for dyslexic people. Another thing is that, they have big gaps for dyslexic people to read easily.