The numbers
The Council is here for every resident in the city, throughout their lives. A lot of what we do goes unseen until you need us – but we’re here to help from the moment you’re born, through your life in the city, and when you need us in later life.
Every day, your Council Tax helps to pay for more than hundreds different services which supports everyone from children and young people to families and vulnerable older people – making sure nobody is left behind in Coventry.
Below is an infographic which highlights how much we spend (per day) on key services. Detailed explanation of the infographic is featured below.
Education services
The Council spends £681, 269 per day on this area. This includes areas such as schools, SEND support and early years programmes. Much of this spend is from government grants and can't be spent anywhere else.
Adult social care
In this area, the Council spends £481, 515 per day. Essentially this area is all about the providing things like support for carers and specialist equipment to help people live at home
Children's services
The Council spends £294, 839 per day on Children's services. From supporting care leavers to safeguarding, this area is huge.
Environment and waste
In this area, the Council spends £78, 832 per day. This area covers things like tackling fly tipping and waste collections. Did you know the Council collects 10,000,000 bins a year?
Public health
The Council spends £72,867 per day on this area. This area covers services like helping residents with stopping smoking, alcohol and drugs prevention and mental health support.
Housing and homelessness
In this area, the Council spends £71,709 per day. Improving access to social housing and support for homeless families are the key focus in this area.
Highways and lighting
The 7th highest is highways and lighting which costs the Council £57,377 per day. This area is pretty self explanatory but it covers elements like road maintenance and street lighting
Employment and skills
The Council spends £29,956 on this area per day. Services like the Job Shop and Adult Education are included in this.
Street cleansing
In this area, the Council spends £21,535 per day. The council sweeps 10,000 miles of pavements and roads every year.
Sports, leisure and parks
The Council spends £11,988 per day on these areas, improving facilities and helping more residents access these areas.
Library services
As a Council we spend £10,749 per day on libraries. Beyond the facilities, this includes things like stocking books, holding events and providing a community space for residents.
Economic development
Last, but certainly not least, is economic development. In this area the Council spends £6,745 per day.