Spend up to Threshold is governed by the Council's Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs)
Tenders with a value of £100,000 or more will be advertised on our E-Tendering system [https://in-tendhost.co.uk/csw-jets/aspx/Home].
For goods and works above an estimated value of £179,087 (£214,904 including VAT) and for services above an estimated value of £4,477,174 (£5,372,609 including VAT),it will also be advertised on Find a Tender [https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Search] in line with the Public Contract Regulations (2015).
If you have queries relating to creating or accessing an account on CSW-Jets, please check our printable guidance on registering and managing your CSW-Jets account [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/6535/csw-jets_user_guides] alternatively, please see our video guidance . If you are still unable to find the answer to your query within the guidance, please contact Procurement Services.
If you already have an account and your query relates to using the E-Tendering portal including accessing or uploading documents, please send your enquiry to csw-jets@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:csw-jets@coventry.gov.uk] or 024 7697 5539 for further assistance.
For all enquiries relating to specific opportunities, tenderers must use the correspondence tab within the E-Tendering portal.
CSW-Jets (Procurement Services)
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Procurement services
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097