Equality, diversity, and inclusivity - benefits for your business

A diverse workforce can benefit your business by employing staff who reflect the local community with the wider benefit of understanding customer’s perspectives, enabling your business to diversify its products or services.

Equality, diversity and inclusion: 
  • Helps to attract and retain staff from a wider talent pool.
  • Supports your business to fill skills gap.
  • Bring additional skills such as languages, cultural understanding, different ideas, and perspectives to your business.
  • Happier and more motivated staff

Did you know?

Over a third of businesses [https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/economicoutputandproductivity/output/datasets/businessinsightsandimpactontheukeconomy] with 10 or more employees experienced a shortage of workers in late November 2021 with the most common reason being a low number and lack of qualified applicants. Businesses, particularly those with 10 or more employees, are reporting difficulties filling vacancies and a shortage of workers.

Benefits of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the business environment.

In summary, embracing equality, diversity, and inclusion is a strategic advantage that drives innovation, resilience, and long-term success.

Real-life stories 

You can make a real difference to people’s lives by being an inclusive employer. Some people face additional barriers to entering the workforce. Good employment brings an opportunity to offer people in your community a route out of poverty, a better income, improved health, equity, and opportunities for social inclusion. Find out more from our Coventry real-life stories.  

Yanal’s story

Martin's story

Business case study from NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Health and Social Care Employability Academy 

The Health and Social Care Employability Academy is an employment service, supporting people from disadvantaged groups, across the Coventry and Warwickshire area into meaningful employment opportunities within the NHS. The people we're welcoming onto the programme are those who identify as one (or more) of the following: Care leavers or people/young people currently living in care, people with refugee status, people with disabilities and neurodivergent groups and any other underrepresented groups for example people from ethnic minority backgrounds, people aged 50 plus, people recovering from ill-mental health and more. For more information, please email us at employabilityacademy@uhcw.nhs.uk [mailto:employabilityacademy@uhcw.nhs.uk] or call to speak with one of our Employability Advocates on 024 7696 8744.

Migration Team Intensive Employment Support Programme

Coventry boasts a rich history of embracing migrants, who have not only brought unique cultural perspectives but also a wealth of skills and knowledge that have greatly contributed to the city's economic vitality and advancement. Employers recognise the value of the diverse talents and global perspectives that migrants offer, which often result in new business opportunities and markets. The exchange of insights and connections to international networks provided by migrants, including refugees, has frequently facilitated business expansion, fostering new partnerships and client relationships.

Their presence has proven invaluable in addressing labour shortages and enhancing organisational productivity. Notably, migrants, including refugees, often excel in roles beyond their initial job descriptions, bringing higher levels of skill and expertise to the workplace.

The Migration Team at Coventry City Council has over a decade of expertise in facilitating refugee employment, aiding in their professional restart and societal establishment within the city. The team work closely with employers to offer tailored guidance and support to facilitate refugees into the workforce, identify the right candidates, and fully support them, ensuring a mutually beneficial transition for both employees and employers.

Migrant Friendly employers

If you are interested in becoming a business who could use diverse skills to enrich your business and workforce, check out the employers guide [https://mifriendlycities.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/mifriendly_employers_2020.pdf] to migrant friendly employers who would like to collaborate with you. to assist employers

Information on equality, diversity and inclusion

Places of support for your business