Information and advice

There is a range of organisations in Coventry that provide information, advice and advocacy services.

Some of these services provide a wide range of general information and advice, and others are more specialist and can help people with specific needs.

The Council works with organisations including, Age UK Coventry, The Carers' Trust - Heart of England, (formerly Coventry Carers' Centre and Crossroads Care - Coventry and Warwickshire), Alzheimer's Society and Grapevine to make sure that people are able to get information and support in a range of settings to help them when they need it most. They can help people find information about services, benefits, entitlements, financial advice and support with any issues that may be affecting them.

The Carers' Trust provides services from a city centre site, hospitals, in the community and in people's own homes, which help people to maintain their caring role whilst also looking after themselves.

Download our printable guide to the support available


Advocacy is when a person - called an advocate - speaks or acts for you. Advocates are not linked to the Council. This means you can have someone to give your views and wishes, look after your rights and represent your interests.

Most people will never need an advocate as they will be able to speak up for themselves, with or without support or will have family or friends who are able to represent them.

An advocate protects people who are vulnerable by speaking up for them and being there to represent their interests. It helps people with physical or learning disabilities, older people and those with mental health needs, to make the right choices and decisions about their own health and social care.

Carers' support

There are a number of organisations in Coventry that provide support for carers. The Carers' Trust - Heart of England (formerly Coventry Carers' Centre and Crossroads Care - Coventry and Warwickshire) is the main hub in the city for carers' support. It can help with information and advice, support groups, short breaks (replacement care), emergency support and training. They also support young carers through the Children in Need funded project run at the Centre.

Some other organisations also provide carers' support in a range of ways, sometimes indirectly through supporting the person with care and support needs (residential respite / day services / information services).

Adult Social Care Direct

Speech impairment, deaf or hard of hearing? You can call using Next Generation Text (also known as Text Relay and TypeTalk): Call 18001 024 7683 3003

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 3003