Where can I get information and advice as a carer in Coventry?
In Coventry, we have services that provide specialist support to family carers called Carers Trust Heart of England which you can find more information about on the next page. We have also listed some other local organisations that might be of interest to you providing specialist support in different areas. The links will take you to their websites.
Carers Trust Heart of England
Carers Trust Heart of England â Information, advice and support services
Carers Trust Heart of England [http://www.carerstrusthofe.org.uk/]
Telephone: 024 7663 2972 Option: 1
The Coventry Carer Wellbeing Service is our local one stop shop for carers. The service is free and available to all people caring within Coventry.
The service offers:
- Information and advice
- 1:1 support both virtually and face to face
- Carers Assessments
- Training both group and bespoke
- Support with the use of technology, adaptations and appliances
- The Carers Response and Emergency Support Service (CRESS)
- Planning for the future and an emergency
- Group-Based Support
- On-going events, workshops and creative sessions
- Access to counselling and emotional support
- Access to grants & direct payments
- Working Carers Support
- Outreach Support at UHCW
- Young Carers Project
- Carers Voice (a service supporting carers to improve local services).
Where can I find out more about the service?
The Carers Trust Heart of England has a website with regular updates [https://www.carerstrusthofe.org.uk/].
The Carers Trust Heart of England Facebook page [http://www.facebook.com/CarersTrustHofE] with details of upcoming groups, events and news.
Carers Trust Heart of England
Other local specialist information, advice and support services
Age UK Coventry [http://www.ageuk.org.uk/coventry/]
Telephone: 024 7643 3043 Email: advice@ageukcoventry.org.uk [mailto:advice@ageukcoventry.org.uk]
Provide free, confidential and independent advice and information specially tailored for the needs of those requiring additional support and their friends, relatives and carers.
Age UK’s national website has a wide range of factsheets [http://www.ageuk.org.uk/publications/] covering numerous topics including finance and benefits, health and conditions, accessing support and services.
Grapevine [http://www.grapevinecovandwarks.org/]
Telephone: 024 7663 1040
Grapevine provides support to people with learning disabilities and their carers to make their own choices and be part of their community. Including:
Help & Connect - which helps people with learning disabilities to make connections and use services, support groups to help people get out and about and build friendships.
Alzheimer's Society [https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/]
Telephone: 024 7665 2602
The Alzheimer's Society provides a range of dementia support services in Coventry ranging from information and advice to people with dementia and their carers, 1:1 support for people affected by dementia in resolving issues, to dementia care and support groups.
Find out more information about living well with dementia [https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/] on their website. Find local resources and services [https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/info/20011/find_support_near_you/#!/search] near you to support people living with dementia and their carers.
Macmillan Cancer Support [http://www.macmillan.org.uk/]
Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre telephone 024 7696 6052
Call them free on 0808 808 00 00 (Monday to Friday, 9am–8pm)
When you have cancer, you don’t just worry about what will happen to your body, you worry about what will happen to your life. At Macmillan, we know how a cancer diagnosis can affect everything and Macmillan Cancer Support are here to support you through it.
From help with money worries and advice about work, to someone who’ll listen if you just want to talk, they'll be there. Macmillan Cancer Support is millions of supporters, professionals, volunteers, campaigners and people affected by cancer. Together they make sure there’s always someone there for you, to give you the support, energy and inspiration you need to help you feel like yourself again. No one should face cancer alone.
Locally the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre [https://www.macmillan.org.uk/in-your-area/local-dashboard/detail/Information%20and%20support%20centres/7819/Coventry-Macmillan-Cancer-Information-and-Support-Centre] in the main entrance to University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire provide free information, support and practical advice for anyone affected by cancer. They can offer you:
- Confidential one-to-one support
- Information on all aspects of living with cancer and treatments available
- Information on diet and nutrition
- Recommended websites
- Information about emotions, relationships and cancer
- Access to support and information when you need it
Coventry Resource Centre for the Blind [http://www.coventryblind.org.uk/]
Coventry Resource Centre for the Blind (CRCB) is an independent registered charity that provides support, information, resources, training and social activities for people with a visual impairment in the Coventry area.
They have a Resource Room showing a selection of items of adaptive technology, daily living aids and low vision aids to help blind and partially sighted people to lead a more independent life.
They run a variety of support groups and activities include ICT training, music and art and craft groups.
SEND Information Advice and Support Service [https://www.covsendiass.co.uk/]
Telephone: 024 7669 4307
We provide impartial and accurate Special Educational Needs and Disability information, advice and support for:
- parents
- children
- young people up to the age of 25
We offer a wide range of services to help families make informed decisions and enable them to take an active role in the education of their child/young person.
Contact [https://contact.org.uk/]
National Freephone helpline 0808 808 3555
Midlands Officer contact number 0121 415 4624
Contact is here to make life a little bit easier for families with disabled and special needs children. Parent advisers can offer information and support on a whole range of issues. They have a team of six in the Midlands including a parent adviser for education issues, and a parent adviser for our Hospitals project. They run free workshops for parents and support groups including a workshop on dealing with challenging behaviour; sleep issues; stress and coping, supporting siblings, and transition to adulthood. Parents can also sign up to receive their quarterly e-bulletin, keeping them in touch with issues that might affect them.
Their national helpline can do a full benefits check to make sure parents are claiming all they are entitled to and they offer a telephone appointment system for the most complex cases. Their helpline team can also offer advice on education issues; give advice on processes for appealing decisions you are unhappy with or give you information about rare conditions and national support groups.
The resource library on Contact's website [https://contact.org.uk/help-for-families/information-advice-services/] has a range of downloadable fact sheets and parent guides for example on Claiming DLA for a Child, or PIP and other benefits at 16; on short breaks; or on Education Health Care Plans.
Other local information and advice services
- Local information and advice in caring for an adult who is affected by mental ill health [/info/151/mental_health/826/adult_mental_health_services]
There is more information about local information, advice and advocacy support in our Community Information Directory [http://cid.coventry.gov.uk/kb5/coventry/directory/adult.page?adultchannel=3].
Carers Trust Heart of England
Other national sources of information, advice and support
There is also a range of national organisations that can provide information and advice about care and support.
Carers UK [http://www.carersuk.org/]
Carers UK is a national organisation that provides information, advice and support to carers.
Carers Trust [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/76/carers_support/2648/information_advice_and_support_for_carers_including_advocacy/4]
Carers Trust are also a national organisation providing action, help and advice for carers. Their website has a range of information and advice for carers including their useful ‘Help Directory’.
Our local Carers Trust Heart of England is affiliated with the national organisation.
Rethink [https://www.rethink.org/advice-and-information/carers-hub/]
Rethink helps millions of people affected by mental illness by challenging attitudes, changing lives. They provide expert, accredited advice and information to everyone affected by mental health problems. This link will take you to their “Carers, family and friends” section on their website.
Mind [http://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/]
The Mind website has information and advice on a huge range of mental health topics.
Carers Trust Heart of England
Further information and advice about finances, benefits and housing
- Finance and paying for care [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/75/money_and_legal_matters]
- Benefits, Debt and Housing [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/78/care_and_support/2127/information_advice_and_advocacy_support/4]
- Pensions and planning for my future after retirement - Pension Wise [https://www.pensionwise.gov.uk/?gclid=Cj0KEQiA1NWnBRDchObfnYrbo78BEiQA-2jqBW1EmuZQcyWQsNG2yDBAfQEMvL_au96nDRX81I7pQVcaAnlB8P8HAQ] is a Government-funded website giving helpful advice and explaining the various options for pension planning.
Carers Trust Heart of England
Advocacy support for carers
What is advocacy?
Advocacy is when a person, called an advocate, speaks or acts on your behalf and would be independent of the council. Advocacy means having someone who will express your views and wishes, secure your rights and represent your interests.
Most people will never need an advocate as they will be able to speak up for themselves, with or without support or will have family or friends who are able to represent them according to their wishes.
Advocacy safeguards people who are vulnerable by speaking up for them and is there to represent your interests. It enables people with physical or learning disabilities, older people and those with mental health needs to make informed choices and decisions about their own health and social care.
What advocacy support is available for carers?
Carers Trust Heart of England provides advocacy support to carers as part of their information, advice and support service. If you think you might need advocacy support you can contact them to discuss how they may be able to help you.
If they feel that you need a different type of support, such as legal help, they will be able to signpost you to the appropriate services.
They also provide advocacy support to help carers of adults participate fully in their carer’s assessment and support planning. This will only be needed if the carer has substantial difficulty taking part and there is no one else appropriate to support them. In this case, the worker carrying out the assessment would make the referral for this support.
Find out more about the Adult Carers’ Assessment [/info/76/carers_support/2456/carers_assessments] process.
You may want more information about advocacy support for the person you care for [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/78/care_and_support/2127/information_advice_and_advocacy_support/5].
What does it cost?
The advocacy services explained here are provided free of charge.
Self-Advocacy is the ability to speak up for ourselves, our rights, responsibilities and the person we care for. Carers UK has developed a self-advocacy guide called "Being Heard" [https://www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice/get-resources/being-heard-a-self-advocacy-toolkit-for-carers-uk] to help carers develop the skills to navigate some of the complex processes they may encounter when they care, like speaking out in an assessment, attending meetings and making a complaint.
Carers Trust Heart of England
Survey of adult carers 2023
If you are a carer in Coventry, you may receive our Survey of Adult Carers in the post between October and November 2023. This is a biennial, national survey conducted by all local authorities with social care responsibilities in England and is a key method of gathering information on carers' needs and the effectiveness of carers' support on both a local and national level.
We encourage everyone who receives a survey to participate if they can and we are extremely grateful to everyone who takes the time to respond. All responses will be kept confidential. If you would like to discuss the survey or have any questions, please call 024 76977656 or email fmuSocialCareInfo@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:fmuSocialCareInfo@coventry.gov.uk]