When you care for someone on a long-term basis taking a break can be important for you own wellbeing. It can be particularly important if you are caring for someone by yourself or with limited support around. It might be that you need a break as a one-off or it may be that you need regular breaks throughout the year. This guide will help you navigate the options for taking a break. This guide explores support available through Adult Social Care but also other options that might be available in the community.

If you wish to talk to someone about taking a break you can contact Carers Trust Heart of England or Adult Social Care Direct.

Carers Trust Heart of England

Telephone: 024 7663 2972

Adult Social Care Direct

Speech impairment, deaf or hard of hearing? You can call using Next Generation Text (also known as Text Relay and TypeTalk): Call 18001 024 7683 3003

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 3003