Carers Trust Heart of England
Carers Trust Heart of England run a range of activities for carers, including:
- Social Group
- Walking Group
- Milan Group
- Working Carers Group
They also hold drop-ins across the city, ranging from:
- Canley Social Supermarket
- Willenhall Primary Care Centre
- Springfield Medical Practice
- The Caludon Centre
- Central Library
All of these activities are face to face, they look forward to welcoming you.
The service also run various one-off events, creative workshops and celebrations throughout the year. We recommend accessing their website and/or their Facebook page to see regular updates and find information about how to participate..
On a monthly basis we publish the events in our Carers Bulletin which is circulated at the end of each month. You can subscribe at Coventry Carers Bulletin.
SEND Information Advice & Support Service
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) run sessions and events for parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Alzheimer's Society
Alzheimer's Society run the Carers Peer Support Group for carers supporting any adult with a diagnosis of dementia alongside other support groups that carers can attend with the person they care for.
Adult Social Care - Stakeholders Group
Adult Social Care meet every other month to discuss developments in Adult Social Care, this is an opportunity for people to help develop services and processes within Adult Social Care.
If you would like to attend please email the team:
It is an important part of our work to make sure we engage with carers and that you have the opportunity to meet other carers and hear about important topics and developments affecting carers and the people they support.
If you are interested in developments in Adult Social Care, want to contribute and have your say then the Getting Involved in Adult Social Care Brochure will tell you how you can get involved.
Adult Social Care - Community Directory
There are multiple groups running across the city to support carers and the person they are caring for. The Adult Social Care - Community Directory is regularly updated with groups running across Coventry.