Young people in custody

Coventry skyline at sunset

Our local offer

We understand that every young person's journey through care and leaving care is different. If you are a young person who is in custody you will still be able to access our local offer and we have a specific Custody Offer tailored to you. This aims to be more specific to your needs. However, it does not change the fact that your Social Worker will work with you until you turn 18 and after which you will be supported by your Personal Adviser - who will help you in the below areas. 

HomefinderYour home

Just because you have been in custody does not mean that your accommodation will not be reviewed as part of your pathway planning. Whilst you are preparing for release your Personal Adviser will work with you to identify the most appropriate housing option for you. You will still have priority banding on HomeFinder upon your release from custody and will be able to access your setting-up home grant until the age of 21 (this can be extended to 25 if it is agreed in your pathway plan).

Your relationships

Whilst you are in custody we may be able to support your family in visiting you up to three times a year - whilst you are under the age of 21. Your Personal Advisor will also complete a referral to lifelong links for you and they can help you keep in touch with people who are important to you. In addition to this, if you would like to have continued contact with your IRO you can access their post 18 offer.

Calculator and moneyYour finances

When you first enter custody you may be able to access a one-time payment to support you settling in. You will be sent a £20 a month postal order until you reach the age of 21 and will be supported to explore how you can access any looked-after savings that have been kept for you. When you are released you may be able to access a one-time clothing grant of £50 and your Personal Advisor will support you in getting home from custody. 

Your education and employment

Whilst you are in custody your Personal Advisor will work with you and the team around you to support you in accessing education, employment or training in custody. in addition, you may be referred to our Education and Employment Panel as you approach your release date - to help explore opportunities in the community. When you are in the community, you will be able to access six months' free internet via the National Databank. 

Your identity

While in custody your Personal Adviser will support you to access photo ID if you have none. They can support you in purchasing religious items and will help you celebrate festivals that are important to you. In addition to this, if you would like to access your care records whilst you are in custody, this is something that your Personal Adviser can also support with. 

Your health

Whilst you are in custody your Personal Adviser will work with the team around you to ensure your health needs are being met. They will ensure you have a copy of your health history and they may complete an adult social care referral for you, if you need extra support once you are released.