Where do we want to be?
Achieving a stable workforce
The service aspires to be a leading regional employer of choice for social workers. Coventry Children’s Services host and is a member of the West Midlands Social Work Teaching Partnership. This partnership was formed in response to the challenges around statutory placement provision and retention of social workers in the West Midlands region, alongside supporting regional continuous professional development.
Children’s Services will continue to strategically plan for future cohorts into the social work academy to “Grow our own” and thereby support workforce stability and development. This includes increasing the number of students offered placements in children’s services and continuing to offer social work apprenticeships and expanding the apprenticeship offer.
Further developments are planned to improve the oversight of the workforce including using the workforce dashboard to improve understanding of the diversity make up and needs to the workforce; using “Let’s Talk” sessions to discuss Equality, Diversity and Inclusion issues; and regular health checks will be completed via surveys.
To understand more about what supports and motivates practitioners to work for children's services we have introduced Staying interviews. We are reviewing Recruitment branding and materials to support a competitive offer, and this includes reference to the Channel 4 Documentary about young people cared for by Coventry children’s Services (KIDS TV programme) and, an emphasis on children’s services promoting restorative practice which is Child and friendly.
We are also refreshing the induction programme for new staff and introducing induction checklists for managers and an induction booklet for staff to improve the experience starting their Coventry career.
Future considerations include providing a recruitment offer to international social workers and work is underway to consider the needs of this group and the best way to support them to start well and develop well in Coventry.
An effective wellbeing offer
The service will continue to develop and enhance the Wellbeing Offer for Children’s Services staff to create a work-life balance and improve health and wellbeing of staff. ‘Wellbeing Fairs’ will be introduced during 2023, in various locations (Broadgate House/Area Teams/Family Hubs) to provide further information and advice about health and wellbeing to give staff an opportunity to talk to professionals about a number of health initiatives.
Children’s Services will drive and support the health and wellbeing of the workforce, through Wellbeing Weeks; Wellbeing Fairs; the Clinical Supervision offer, regular sickness absence clinics to reduce sickness absence and support and promote flexible working across the service.
A comprehensive effective learning and development opportunities
A comprehensive Learning and Development offer to ensure that all employees are clear on the expectations of their role and how they contribute to Service and One Coventry values and behaviours and Council-wide strategic objectives.
Children’s Services will aim to report 100% attendance for Appraisals and Mandatory training.
Support learning and development for all staff and develop career pathways to support succession planning and skills audit to identify gaps in the workforce and deliver bespoke training for staff/managers.