What happens next?

The Complaints Team will contact you within 3 working days of receiving the complaint to advise further on the process.  Investigation on complaints will commence once the Complaints Team has formally acknowledged the complaint. You will usually get an answer to your complaint within 10 working days once a complaint has been assigned to an investigating officer.

Complaints submitted by a friend/relative/advocate

If you prefer, you can arrange to be supported by a friend or a relative. We do need to ensure that we have formal and explicit consent to comply with our responsibilities under General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). In order to protect an individual’s rights a council consent form will be provided by the Complaints Team to the registered home address of the relevant person/service user for them to complete and hand sign.

Once the completed consent form has been received and processed a formal acknowledgement will be provided by the team. The complaints process and associated timescales will then begin. Until full consent is given the team will be very limited in giving specific advice or information but will do their best to assist with general advice.

Children's Complaints Team

Address: Customer Service Centre
Broadgate House

Telephone: 08085 834 333