Frank Beresford - June winner

Frank Beresford instigated the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in Eastern Green over 15 years ago. During this time he has encouraged neighbours to become actively involved in improving the area and this pro-active approach to issues within the community has culminated in the reduction of anti-social behaviour.
Frank has worked with Councillors and the Police to improve the security of people’s homes with the use of light timers, personal alarms and window alarms. In recognition of the work he has carried out he was awarded ‘The Blue Lamp’ by West Midlands Police and also became a Regional Finalist in the National Neighbourhood and Home Watch Awards 2014.

Frank is a very caring and supportive neighbour and has helped many people in the past.  Most notable is the intervention Frank made when a neighbour was having a heart attack.  With his quick thinking he alerted Paramedics who were able to revive the gentleman. On another occasion he alerted neighbours to a lady who was an epileptic and asked them to keep a close eye on her.  He provided her with a personal alarm and ensured that her fire alarm was working.

These actions together with being an active member at Ward Forums, supporting and caring for his neighbours and having pride in the environment he lives in shows why Frank is a very much respected member of his community. He embodies the qualities a community needs – kindness, selflessness and a sense of responsibility and pride. All of these attributes demonstrate the reason why Frank is awarded the Good Citizen Award.