Board Members
Margot James - Executive Chair
WMG, University of Warwick
Margot is Executive Chair of WMG, responsible for the strategic direction and development of WMG, at the University of Warwick.
Prior to joining WMG Margot served as Minister of State for Digital and the Creative Industries and Member of Parliament for Stourbridge.
Cllr Jim O'Boyle – Vice Chair
Coventry City Council
Jim is Coventry’s Cabinet Member for Jobs, Regeneration and Climate Change at Coventry City Council. Jim was elected to Coventry City Council in 2007 and is committed to creating an environment where business and innovation can succeed in order to create jobs and spread wealth evenly across the city and wider region.
You can watch a video from Jim and Margot talking about their plans:
Julie Nugent
Chief Executive, Coventry City Council
Dr Julie Nugent joined Coventry City Council as Chief Executive in June 2023. She has a strong track record in attracting and delivering investment to support businesses, people, and communities. She has worked at senior level across a range of organisations, at national, regional, and local level – including senior roles in government, the voluntary sector and education.
Lisa Hofen
Director of Estates and Facilities, Coventry University
Professor Stephanie Panichelli-Batalla
Academic Lead for Sustainability, University of Warwick
Clive Robinson
Sustainable Development Manager, University Hospital Coventry
Clive has been the Sustainable Development Manager at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust since April 2010 and the Chairman West Midlands NHS Sustainability Network since October 2014. The NHS has been on a sustainability journey for the last 15 years primarily due to the impact on the population.
Chris Lovatt
Chief Operating Officer, EON
Chris is Eon UK’s Chief Operating Officer for Energy Infrastructure Services, leading a team that leads on the role out of smart meters and the provision of energy efficiency measures. EON are also delivering new energy solutions such as heat pumps, solar and battery storage plus electric vehicle charging systems.
Rachel Jones - Pathway Lead, Route to Net Zero Pathway working group
Chief Executive, Act on Energy
Corin Crane
Chief Executive, CW Chamber
Ed Green - Pathway Lead, Nature Pathway working group
Chief Executive, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust (WWT)
Ed has been the CEO of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust since May 2014 and is passionate about bringing wildlife back to Warwickshire and empowering communities to take action for nature. Warwickshire Wildlife Trust is supported by over 26,000 members and over 600 volunteers.
Audrey O'Connor
Heritage & Environment Manager, Canal and Rivers Trust
Audrey O'Connor is the heritage advisor for the Canal and River Trust, a charity that look after and bring to life 2,000 miles of waterways
Neil Griffiths
Strategic Enabler for Sustainability, West Midlands Fire Service (WMFS)
Neil has been working on opportunities through the WMFS’ extensive activities focused on prevention and protection for the City of Coventry as a Strategic Enabler for Sustainability. Its role is to work with the public and businesses to assist climate change and can support reaching the heart of the community.
Matthew Rhodes
Director, Camirus
Matthew has supported low carbon business for the last 20 years. Matthew is heavily involved in the LEP and the Combined Authority. He is the Chair of Energy Capital which finds better ways of working with infrastructure providers to deliver zero carbon.
Sophie Mason
Energy & Sustainability Lead, Coventry Building Society
Coventry Building Society is aiming to be carbon neutral by the end of the year. CBS has worked with the council for several years, particularly on social value and they are looking forward to working collaboratively particularly supporting education and schools.
Sarah Windrum
Chair of the CWLEP, Coventry Warwickshire LEP
Sarah has been a Board Director for the Coventry & Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) since 2016 driving the development of digital creative clusters with national and regional stakeholders. She became CWLEP Chair in April 2021 leading the public private partnership to implement the Strategic Reset Framework and transition to delivering on the Net Zero and Levelling-Up ambitions of Central Government.
Louise Woollen
Environment and Sustainability Manager, West Midlands Police
Louise is relatively new to the position of the Environment and Sustainability Manager at the West Midlands Police. The West Midlands Police are keen to have an environment strategy in place and are currently engaging widely to shape the strategy with the aim to set net zero goals from a policing point of view.
Charlotte Heaney
Finance and Business Partner, Net Zero and Sustainability Lead, Severn Trent Water
Severn Trent is committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2030 as part of its triple pledge on carbon. It supports the need to adapt and take action to cope with future weather changes.
Suzanne Ward - Pathway Lead, Adaptation and Resilience Pathway working group
Environment Agency
Suzanne is an Environment Leader with a demonstrated history of working in the environmental services industry. Suzanne is Area Environment Manager for the Environment Agency covering West Midlands Combined Authority and Warwickshire.
Clare Wightman, Pathway Lead, Fairer Green Futures Pathway working group
CEO, Grapevine Coventry and Warwickshire
Clare is CEO of a national award-winning social action charity, Grapevine Coventry and Warwickshire. She is committed to putting people, relationships and collaborations at the heart of this work. Open-hearted collaborations solve problems and open up opportunities - for people, for organisations and for systems. We need that more than ever.
Professor Helen Wheatley - Pathway Lead , Fairer Green Futures Pathway working group
Director of Film and Television Studies, The University of Warwick Institute of Engagement
Russ Hall - Pathway Lead, Circular Economy Pathway working group
Principal Engineer – Circular Economy and Sustainable Manufacturing, WMG, University of Warwick
Russ is the lead contact for circular economy and sustainable manufacturing at Warwick Manufacturing Group. Russ works with manufacturers in all industrial sectors to help reduce emissions, improve energy efficiencies and highlight opportunities for resource efficiencies.
Liz Hopkins - Environmental and Sustainability Manager
West Midlands Fire Service
Carol Hardingham - Head of Environment
Galliford Try
Duncan Healey- Highways Environmental Lead
Galliford Try
Paul Warrington - Relationship Director
Lloyds Bank
Kevin Rogers - CEO
Citizen Housing
Kevin was appointed Chief Executive at Citizen Housing in May 2015. Prior to that he was the Group’s Deputy Chief Executive and Group Finance Director having previously worked as a consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Coventry Climate Change Board
Coventry’s Climate Change Board is an independent board. The secretariat is managed by Coventry City Council who can assist in directing your query to the relevant board member.