If you see a crime or a crime is taking place you should always call 999 for an emergency response.
If it is not an emergency there are several ways to report an incident to West Midlands Police [http://www.west-midlands.police.uk/contact-us].
Staying safe from crime
Most offenders are opportunists - they take advantage of the easiest opportunities to commit crime. So, taking a few simple steps can make a big difference and help prevent you from becoming a victim of crime.
Advice to help keep ourselves safe from crime and the impact of drug and alcohol misuse:
- Staying safe from crime - advice from West Midlands Police [https://www.westmidlands.police.uk/police-forces/west-midlands-police/areas/campaigns/campaigns/]
- Staying safe from crime when out and about: West Midlands Police [https://www.west-midlands.police.uk/] and the Suzy Lamplugh Trust [http://www.suzylamplugh.org/].
- Staying safe from domestic violence and abuse (DVA) [https://www.safetotalk.org.uk]
- Staying safe online: Learn how to protect your child online [https://www.ceop.police.uk/]
Local community safety services
There are many local services available in Coventry to help people report incidents, take action to help their community and support witnesses and victims.
Find out about your local Neighbourhood policing team [https://www.westmidlands.police.uk/area/your-area/west-midlands/coventry/].
Members of the public can report:
- Crime or suspicious activity to West Midlands Police [https://www.west-midlands.police.uk] or by calling 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency. As well as reporting crime and suspicious activity, the West Midlands Police website provides advice and support to answer your questions about a range of different situations.
- Concerns about mis-selling to the Business Compliance team [/businesscompliance], problems with the street scene, including envirocrime [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/community-safety-crime/neighbourhood-enforcement-service], anti-social behaviour [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/community-safety-crime/anti-social-behaviour] to Customer Services on 08085 834333.