Report modern slavery concern

If you are concerned about someone being exploited, a person or business perpetrating modern slavery or a location where you have seen exploitation occur, please let us know by completing our modern slavery referral form []. Your concern will be reviewed by the Council’s Modern Slavery Lead and appropriate action will be taken. Details of our confidentiality and information sharing policy [].

Alternatively, you can call the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121 700 or submit a modern slavery report online []. The helpline is operated by Unseen, open 24/7 and entirely confidential. They also operate the Unseen Mobile App.

If you believe a person is in immediate danger, you should call 999 straight away.

You can also report suspicions of modern slavery to the police by calling 101 or visiting your local Police station.

Types of modern slavery

Modern slavery is an umbrella term which encompasses all forms of slavery, human trafficking, and exploitation.

In all forms of modern slavery an exploiter uses means of control such as the threat or use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, or an abuse of power or vulnerability to exploit another person for personal, financial, or commercial gain.

This exploitation may include sexual exploitation, forced labour, domestic servitude, forced criminality, slavery, financial exploitation, or removal of organs.

People who are subjected to modern slavery can be children or adults, of any gender, from all backgrounds, countries, and communities.

There is no typical victim of modern slavery, some victims have been trafficked from overseas and some are British victims who have existing vulnerabilities. Everyone can be susceptible to the promises of well-paid work and good accommodation, which turns out to be a deception.

Vulnerable adults may experience multiple types of exploitation and may not disclose all forms of exploitation to professionals.

Examples of some forms of exploitation, but note there are many more not listed here:

  • Labour exploitation: nail bars, car washes, catering, care work, agricultural work, factory work.
  • Forced criminal activity: cannabis cultivation, pickpocketing, cashpoint/credit card theft, shoplifting, county lines (drug dealing).
  • Sexual Exploitation: being forced, tricked or manipulated into performing a sexual act, escort work, prostitution and pornography.
  • Domestic Servitude: being forced, tricked or manipulated into household work, including childcare, cooking and cleaning.
  • Benefit Fraud.
  • Forced marriage.
  • Bonded labour/debt bondage – being forced to work to pay off false or never-ending debts.
  • Organ harvesting

Possible indicators of modern slavery

  • Signs of physical, sexual or emotional abuse
  • Appearing to be malnourished, unkempt or withdrawn
  • Isolation from the community, seeming under the control or influence of others
  • Living in dirty, cramped or overcrowded accommodation and/or living and working at the same address
  • Lack of personal effects or identification documents
  • Always wearing the same clothes
  • Avoidance of eye contact, appearing frightened or hesitant to talk to strangers
  • Fear of professionals, particularly statutory services

Further resources