Baseline and outcome indicators
This section summarises indicators used in the One Coventry Plan 2022-2030, where the Council shows the progress made towards its priorities that are most relevant to economic development. Through working with our partners, we summarise the improvements we intend to make from baseline positions during the strategy implementation period. Through the One Coventry Plan monitoring process, we will track the performance of the city’s economy against these indicators.
Indicator | Previous | Current | Comparators | Progress | Target |
Indicator: Regional gross domestic product (pound per head) | Previous: £30,168 (2019 revised) | Current: £28,699 (2020 provisional) | Comparators: West Midlands Region £26,281 (2020 provisional), England £32,866 (2020 provisional) | Progress: No | Target: To increase |
Indicator: City centre footfall (year-on-year % change) | Previous: -63.0% (2020/21 revised) | Current: +94.7% (2021/22) | Comparators: UK Index +59.5% (2021/22) | Progress: Yes | Target: To increase |
Indicator: Visitor trips | Previous: 10,030,000 (2019) | Current: 4,028,000 (2020) | Comparators: N/A (No data), England N/A (No data) | Progress: No | Target: To increase |
Indicator: Resident employment rate | Previous: 71.2% (Jan-Dec 2020 revised) | Current: 71.2% (Jan-Dec 2021) | Comparators: West Midlands Region 73.6% (Jan-Dec 2021), England 75.1% (Jan-Dec 2021) | Progress: Same | Target: To increase |
Indicator: Unemployment (model-based) | Previous: 5.9% (Jan-Dec 2020) | Current: 5.5% (Jan-Dec 2021) | Comparators: West Midlands Region 5.0% (Jan-Dec 2021), England 4.5% (Jan-Dec 2021) | Progress: Same | Target: To decrease |
Indicator: 16-17-year-olds not in education, employment, or training (NEET) including not knowns | Previous: 5.0% (NEET 3.0%, Not known 2.0%) (2020) | Current: 4.4% (NEET 2.3 %, Not known 2.1%) (2021) | Comparators: West Midlands Region 5.7% (NEET 2.6%, Not Known 3.1%) (2021), England 5.5% (NEET 2.8%, Not Known 2.7%) (2021) | Progress: Yes | Target: Below (better than national average) |
Indicator: Median annual pay (all employee types) of residents | Previous: £24,645 (2020 revised) – not adjusted for inflation | Current: £25,795 (2021 provisional) – not adjusted for inflation | Comparators: West Midlands Region £25,000 (2021 provisional), England £26,192 (2021 provisional) – not adjusted for inflation | Progress: Yes | Target: To increase |
Indicator: Gross disposable household income per head | Previous: £15,225 (2018) | Current: £15,350 (2019 provisional) | Comparators: West Midlands Region 18,350 (2019 provisional), England £21,978 (2019 provisional | Progress: Yes | Target: To increase |
Indicator: Apprenticeship levy transferred to support non-levy paying firms in Coventry | Previous: £74,734 (2020/21 transferred) | Current: £97,976 (2021/22 transferred) £364,617 total pledge to end 2021/22 | Comparators: N/A | Progress: Yes | Target: To increase |
Indicator: Residents qualified to level 4 or above (working age population) | Previous: 39% (Jan-Dec 2020 revised | Current: 40% (Jan-Dec 2021) | Comparators: West Midlands Region 39% (Jan - Dec 2021), England 43% (Jan-Dec 2021) | Progress: Yes | Target:
To increase |
Indicator: Active enterprises (number and rate per 10,000) | Previous: 330 (10,120) (2020 revised) | Current: 333 (10,120) (2021) | Comparators: WMCA 394, Warwickshire 581, 2021 | Progress: Yes | Target: To increase |
Indicator: Investment income secured | Previous: £1.1m (2020/21) | Current: £2.2m 2021/22 | Comparators: N/A | Progress: Yes | Target: To increase |
Indicator: Business rates tax base (change from 2002 base) | Previous: 138.70 (2019/20) | Current: 137.83 (2020/21) | Comparators: WMCA 124.98 (2020/21) | Progress: No | Target: To increase |