A picture of people at a session

The Council’s #CovConnects initiative has opened a new grant fund aimed at helping community organisations in the city tackle digital exclusion and loneliness amongst older adults (55+)

The grant, which is funded through the West Midland’s Combined Authority’s Connected Services programme, will offer organisations in the Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VSCE) sector the chance to apply for grant funding.

Funding will be attributed to those organisations who can demonstrate how they can use innovative ways to reduce loneliness and digital isolation for older adults in the city.

Projects could range from something as simple as using smart devices to increase independence and communication within the home to using virtual reality headsets to enable meaningful activity within a shared setting.

Organisations will be able to apply for funding packages ranging from £500 to £7,500 to help deliver the projects. If needed, the Council’s #CovConnects team are available to support organisations to scope potential programme ideas and assist with applications.   


If you want to talk to the #CovConnects team to get more information or an informal chat about your idea, they would love to hear from you. Please drop them an email at CovConnectsDigital@Coventry.gov.uk.

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