Digital Inclusion at the Inini Initiative

Recently, #CovConnects gifted the Inini Initiative 15 digital devices, in the form of laptops and tablets, to help digital inclusion within the organisation’s safe spaces.

Inini Initiative is a social enterprise that assists ethnic minorities and asylum seekers in building a sense of cohesion with their new environment by providing a safe space for those people to connect.

As well as this, Inini also provides help for those who are experiencing mental health struggles as a result of being in an unfamiliar setting. This is done through one-to-one coaching and a counselling service.

During the city’s year as the City of Culture, Inini Initiative put on exhibitions, performances, and shared different cultures through the use of creative arts such as poetry, music, spoken word and dancing.

In addition to holding exhibitions in venues like the Herbert Art Gallery and St Mary’s Guildhall, Inini offers impactful services in the form of Drop-In sessions that allow for support to be given in a confidential, safe space.

Now, at the Drop-In sessions, Inini are better equipped to fight against digital poverty by providing training to attendees. At their sessions, Inini volunteers teach attendees the importance of online safety alongside foundational skills like password creation, sending and receiving emails and navigating the web.

Last Mafuba, Founder of the Inini Initiative, told us:

"In the digital age, extending a hand of inclusion to refugee/migrant communities through digital lessons not only bridges the gap between cultures but builds a powerful bridge to opportunities, understanding, and a brighter shared future."

Drop-In Sessions with Inini

  • Mondays at 12 until 4pm – Young People’s Drop-In, Computer Skills Training. Held at 30 City Arcade, Coventry, CV1 3HW
  • Tuesdays at 12 until 4pm – Peer Support Group – Informal space with weekly themes, try traditional meals from different countries! Held at The Friends Meeting House, CV1 4AN

To learn more, visit the Inini Initiative’s website []

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