Settlement Supportâs digital inclusion journey
#CovConnects have been working in partnership with Settlement Support CIC to support older adults in Coventry to feel digitally included through the use of smart devices.
Settlement Support CIC empowers ethnic minorities and refugee and migrant communities across the city to access vital information and services needed for settlement and cohesion.
Since becoming a #CovConnects partner in September 2023, Settlement Support CIC have received Chromebooks and connectivity devices. These devices have enabled the creation of a bespoke digital skills programme for residents looking to become more confident in using digital tech.
Alongside these devices, residents have been able to try the organisation’s newly developed language app.
Languages available on the app include Hausa, Tigrinya, Punjabi, Polish, Arabic and Urdu, and the programme allows residents to translate their work, home and learning environments into their preferred language.
Since launching their project on 18 February, Settlement Support CIC have been contacted by residents eager to learn how to use the smart devices in ways which are meaningful for them.
Settlement Support’s Founder, Byron Taylor, told us: “Our collaboration with #CovConnects have proven to be one of the most strategic and rewarding for our beneficiaries. With the initiation of the digital inclusion project, Settlement Support CIC is supporting and improving the independence and social connectedness of the growing number of beneficiaries. The team at Settlement Support can only express, on behalf of our beneficiaries, deep appreciation and admiration for the team at #CovConnects for all the opportunity and benefits generated through this partnership”
Through using technology such as Amazon’s Echo and Echo Show, Settlement Support CIC aims to support older adults to feel confident in their digital skills by providing training opportunities to residents where they can learn how to integrate smart technology into their daily lives.
Funding for the Settlement Support CIC’s project came via a grant from the #CovConnects West Midland’s Combined Authority (WMCA) Adaptive Fund which is part of the WMCA’s Connected Services programme.
You can learn more about the work of Settlement Support CIC by visiting the website []