Our two leading higher education institutions build the city’s impressive credentials
Together, Coventry University [https://www.coventry.ac.uk/] and the University of Warwick [https://warwick.ac.uk/] are leading international universities with over 67,000 students, 45% of which are international, attracting new talent to our city from around the world.
Our wider region has an impressive student retention record ... meaning businesses have direct access to a large pool of highly skilled graduates seeking employment. Our city is prioritising residential solutions to ensure these graduates can live and work here successfully - Hill Group alone is contributing residential properties within the City Centre South [/citycentresouth] scheme.
Our achievement record
- Coventry is ranked as 5th best student city in England and 44th globally
- University of Warwick ranked 9th in the UK and in the top 5 targeted universities by top graduate employers
- Coventry University has an international presence in Design, Health and Digital media with multidisciplinary applied research across 18 centres
- WMG, at the University of Warwick, is a designated High Value Manufacturing Catapult centre, leading the electrification agenda and developing connected and autonomous vehicles and systems.
- More than 20,000 students enrol in business related courses across our 2 institutions each year, opening businesses to a sizeable local talent pool.
- 8000+ Graduates in business related courses
- 3000+ graduates engineering and technology
Colleges and skills development
We’re pioneers of innovative collaborations between industry and our colleges, higher education institutions and local training providers.
Coventry boasts an extremely skilled population with 55% of the working population educated to NVQ level 3 and above
We are growing our skills base here from early age through to colleges and apprenticeships. We have a pipeline of STEAM skills being developed here building young people with expertise.
We are pioneers of the University Technical Colleges, with WMG operating two, which encourage young people to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
The ongoing development of skills in the workforce is championed by our colleges, training providers, and the local industry.
Our skills and local talent is one of our greatest assets.