The Safeguarding Together Action Group (STAG) is a forum of frontline practitioners organised by the Partnership who come together to discuss safeguarding issues and themes.

The STAG is a great opportunity to encourage cross-agency working, upskill through training presentations on a range of topics, look at the effects of action on front-line practice and identify emerging safeguarding issues and themes.

Organisations are invited to put forward speakers, presentations and items that are of interest to the forum members and we also share resources, Partnership updates and training opportunities via the group mailing list.

Any professionals interested in participating can email

Resources and services previously shared

We will be uploading resources and slides that are shared in meetings to this page.

STAG Session – Wednesday 1 February 2023

A STAG session was held in February 2023 where a number of agencies came together to engage in various activities and discussions. Please feel welcome to view this recording.

STAG Session - Wednesday 27 September 2023

A STAG session was held in September 2023 on Identifying and Dealing with Domestic Abuse. A number of agencies and organisations came together to present this subject, and share information and resources. Please feel welcome to view the recording of this session.

STAG Session - Wednesday 17 January 2024

A STAG session was held in January 2024 on Mental Health Services within Coventry. Agencies and organisations such as CAMHS, Shine Rise, and MHST attended to give information about the services they offer. As well as this, a new website and directory around which services are available for mental health for children within Coventry: allowing people to search specific issues and situations in order to find the organisations that will be able to help with this. Access the new directory and website. Please feel welcome to view the recording of this STAG session.

STAG Session - Thursday 23rd May 2024

A STAG session was held in May 2024 where a number of agencies came together to engage in various activities and discussions. Please feel welcome to view this recording.

Coventry Safeguarding Children Partnership (CSCP)

This team cannot take calls related to individual children or families. To discuss an individual or a case please call Coventry Children’s Social Care at the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 024 7678 8555.

Telephone: 024 7697 5477