Team Teach

Team Teach training is offered to all Coventry schools and settings.

Tutors who deliver the training work in Coventry SEND support services, special schools, and social care, bringing a range of expertise and experience.

What is Team Teach?

Team Teach is an approach to support whole school /setting behaviour management.

The training provides strategies to understand and manage challenging behaviour through building supportive relationships with pupils and deescalating potential conflict.

It also trains staff to safely hold a pupil, when it is absolutely necessary, for their safety and the safety of others.

Where schools/settings/parents identify children who may need Team Teach support, a Risk Assessment and Positive Intervention Plan can be developed in co-production.

Staff from Coventry SEND Service are available to advise and support.

Team Teach is an accredited training through the Institute of Conflict Management.

Team Teach objectives are:

  • To develop shared values which promote the attitude, skills and knowledge needed to implement Team Teach in schools and settings.
  • To have a whole school understanding of the underlying reasons for behaviours.
  • To develop skills in behaviour management including verbal and non-verbal communication, diversion and de-escalation.
  • To deliver positive handling that is safe, effective, humane and risk assessed.
  • To develop skills in positive listening and de-briefing.

How can we help you?

Bespoke training is delivered in schools and settings and tailored to the needs of the specific environment. Dates are set aside for this throughout the year.

‘Catch-up’ training sessions are also held each term for staff new to a school/setting to ensure consistency of approach and skills across the school.

The training is valid for up to 3 years and schools must refresh within this time to maintain accreditation. Re-accreditation is a half day session. 

Advice and support is available following training, on request.

How to contact us

For general enquiries and bookings please contact Team Teach
Telephone: 024 7678 8400

For follow-up and support please contact Emma Whitmarsh-Knight - Team Teach Specialist Teacher
Telephone: 024 7678 8400