Progress checks for two year olds

When your child is aged between two and three, the early years setting will review their progress, and provide you with a short written summary of your child’s development in a number of areas. This progress check will identify your child’s strengths, and any areas where his or her progress is less than expected. If the setting has any concerns about your child’s progress, including possible special educational needs or disability, they will develop a plan to support your child’s future learning and development involving you and other professionals (for example, the setting’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator or health professionals).

The written summary will highlight: areas in which your child is progressing well; areas in which some additional support might be needed; and focus particularly on any areas where there is a concern about a developmental delay that might suggest a child has a special educational need or disability. It will describe what the setting plans to do to meet any special educational needs. Settings will discuss with you how the summary of development can be used to support learning at home.

SEN team

Address: Friargate

Telephone: 024 7683 1614