Welcome to the Coventry South improvement scheme project page. Here you can see the latest information on the construction of the scheme. We update this webpage regularly about the work happening now and the next phase of work.

We want to improve connectivity between the city centre and the area by Coventry Airport, where the proposed new Gigafactory will be located. These improvements will make it easier and safer for people to cycle and walk and we will also encourage through traffic to use the larger A roads rather than local, residential roads.

Improvements are being delivered in phases.

13 December update

Removal and reinstatement of the central reserve area. The site team hopes to complete by Friday 20 December. Boundary fence works are now complete

Bus stop suspensions are still in force and a temporary pedestrian crossing currently located southbound just after the Asda roundabout will be repositioned approximately. 50m further south W/C 16 December to allow the site team to complete the central reserve works close to the Asda roundabout. A safe break area will be created in the centre of London Rd for safe pedestrian crossing.

The temporary bus stop location southbound just after the Asda roundabout will be removed W/C 16 December and the suspended southbound stop opposite Tonbridge Rd junction will be back in operation.

Weekend work on Saturday 14 December to lay the base course to excavated areas within the central reserve.

Abbey Rd to Toll Bar GPR survey works along the existing footway, and there is no impact on traffic flows on London Rd whilst this survey takes place.


The date is to be confirmed but please be aware the team will be required to install 3-way lights at Abbey Rd junction whilst the cycleway is installed from that point heading northbound. The delivery team will do all possible to minimise disruption and have the lights removed as quickly as possible. This is a requirement for the safety of the site team whilst construction works commence. Potential dates for these lights could be from the 2 January 2025 but this is to be confirmed. 

6 December update

Works to remove the central reserve area from Tonbridge Rd towards the Asda roundabout are underway. Streetlighting within the central reserve area has now been removed and repositioned to new locations, these fixtures are now live. Boundary fencing works are almost complete

Footway works are ongoing and the final surface course is to be completed in the coming weeks

Traffic flows are being monitored daily and any improvements the team can make are being implemented.

Abbey Rd signal sequencing is currently being checked following reports on timing concerns.

Abbey Rd to Toll Bar GPR survey works along the existing footway, no impact on traffic flows on London Rd while this survey takes place.

No Weekend working 7 and 8 December.

22 November update

Works across the carriageway north of Tonbridge Rd junction to install a new gas main duct to the Taylor Wimpey site by others now complete and surfacing reinstated to allow the traffic management and barriers to be removed

Temporary pedestrian crossing located south of Asda roundabout still in location and all working safely and correctly.

All new streetlight poles in location and will be powered up later part of next week.

Advanced notice of the works to the splitter island from Tonbridge Rd junction north to Asda roundabout coming. We will be altering the traffic management arrangement slightly from Monday 2 December for around two weeks, traffic flows in both directions will be maintained via lane one.

15 November update

Traffic management extended to the Asda roundabout via road narrowing to allow free-flowing traffic in both directions.

The existing southbound bus stop location opposite Tonbridge Rd junction has been suspended and now and temporarily relocated north towards the Asda roundabout.

A temporary pedestrian crossing location is still in place close to the Asda roundabout and all have been inspected and are working correctly.

Existing damaged and/or fallen fencing along the southbound footpath will be replaced during the footpath upgrades.

No weekend work is planned over the 16 and 17 November.

18 October update - Abbey Road Junction

The hatched area for waiting vehicles to turn right from London Road into Abbey Road has now been extended. The red-light delay detection sensor has also been installed to allow additional time for right-turning vehicles to complete the manoeuvre into Abbey Road before the signals turn green for waiting vehicles at the Abbey Road lights. The team will monitor this upgrade over the coming weeks to make sure the timing set does work correctly for all.

Traffic management in place with warning lights added to the taper section southbound on London Road to guide traffic safely after dusk.

London Road North - Road narrow traffic management in place that still allows 2-way traffic flow along London Road whilst the footpath work take place.

The existing footpath is now closed off and pedestrians are diverted safely to allow work to construct an upgraded footpath with new edge kerbs. The new kerb line is being excavated safely to start the installation of the new kerbs northbound to Asda Island.

White lining was altered along the construction area for the safe segregation of all vehicles during the construction period

London Road bus stop suspension - The Bus stop located within the work area southbound opposite Abbey Court is now suspended and relocated next to Folly Lane Boys Sports ground until the works are complete.

London Road/Abbey Road pedestrian crossing - The new shared crossing location at Abbey Road junction is still in operation during the construction works to the footpath.

A temporary pedestrian crossing located just before Asda Island with an audible push button on demand crossing is now in place, whilst construction works take place.

Edge kerbs are being installed and set ready for new surfacing and construction of the new footpath.

No weekend work is planned for 19 and 20 October.

14 October update

Phase 1 and 2 road narrowing traffic management in place, and traffic flows have been monitored during the week with no concerns raised.

Bus stops within the works area have been suspended and located at a safe location agreed with TFWM.

Temporary pedestrian crossing located north of Tonbridge Road junction whilst works are ongoing.

Following feedback from residents, when installing the cycleway the width of the road will be maintained as it leaves the roundabout all the way to Abbey Road, giving an extra half a metre of room rather than previous plans to make changes to the road layout. This means the cycleway will be reduced, but the buffer kerb on the cycleway will be removed, meaning there will be nowhere for the leaves to get trapped as the autumn season progresses. The cycleways will be maintained and swept from leaves. The pavement will remain where it is without any changes.

August update

Work at the junction of Abbey Road and London Road is now complete with a new signalised junction that includes a new access into the future housing development, and safety improvements to the junction.

We are now getting ready to start work to create a segregated cycleway along London Road, between Abbey Road and the Asda roundabout. The next phase will be improvements to the roundabout and we hope to back out to consult on our ideas after the school summer holidays.

This first section of the cycleway will be 500m long and will be fully separated from the traffic with a kerb. The cycleway will be lined so that it can be used in both directions.

Future phases of the work will include completing the cycleway from Tollbar along London Road and into Humber Road where it will connect into Binley Cycleway which then provides a route into the city centre.

Map of proposed improvements

Cov South Whitely map