We aim to support cycling by providing fun cycling related activities at many of our events and within the community.   We also provide Doctor Bike sessions at events.  Doctor Bike is a free service where a qualified cycle mechanic will perform a basic check of your bike, and undertake minor maintenance free of charge.  A Doctor Bike may recommend taking more complicated repairs to a cycle shop.

Family-friendly cycling events

Our British Cycling coaches will be on hand to help your child start or continue their cycling journey at numerous events over the summer.  Events will feature a range of activities to keep everyone entertained.  Events are organised by Coventry City Council unless stated otherwise.

Date Time Location Event details
9 August 10am – 4pm Broadgate, Coventry City Centre, CV1 1FS

Coventry Sports Fest [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/sportsfest] 


19 August 10am – 4pm Cash’s Park, Kingfield Road, Coventry, CV1 4NZ

Family Play Day


Organised by Highly Sprung [https://highlysprungperformance.co.uk/production/play-day/]

20 August 12 noon – 6pm Cash’s Park, Kingfield Road, Coventry, CV1 4NZ

Game on (13+)


Organised by Highly Sprung [https://highlysprungperformance.co.uk/production/play-day/]

Child cycle training will also be provided as part of some HAF holiday club events.   Booking is required via the HAF website [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/haf] and is subject to eligbility [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/holiday-activities-food/coventry-holiday-activities-food-programme/2].

Family and young people cycling sessions (booking required) will also be taking place every Tuesday at Broad Heath Primary School, provided by Positive Youth Foundation [https://www.positiveyouthfoundation.org/].  Please see their event page [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/positive-youth-foundation-29311567691] for more information and to book on.

Doctor Bike

If your bike needs some TLC, or just want some peace of mind, come along to a free Doctor Bike drop-in, where a qualified cycle mechanic can check your bike and make small repairs there and then.  They may need to refer more complex problems to your local bike shop [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/cycling-1/buying-bike].

Events are organised by Coventry City Council unless stated otherwise.

Date Time Location Event details
5 August 11am – 2pm Canley Community Centre, Prior Deram Walk, CV4 8FT

Includes security marking, bike safety check, small repairs. Free D-locks for the first 7 people to turn up!

Free event organised by Sustrans [https://www.sustrans.org.uk/]
9-10-11 August 10am – 4pm Broadgate, Coventry City Centre, CV1 1FS

Coventry Sports Fest [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/sportsfest]


Family activities will also be provided

19 August 10am – 4pm Cash’s Park, Kingfield Road, Coventry, CV1 4NZ

Family Play Day


Organised by Highly Sprung [https://highlysprungperformance.co.uk/production/play-day/]

Family activities will also be provided (suitable for younger children)

20 August 12 noon – 6pm Cash’s Park, Kingfield Road, Coventry, CV1 4NZ 

Game on (13+)


Organised by Highly Sprung [https://highlysprungperformance.co.uk/production/play-day/]

Family activities will also be provided (suitable for 13+)

22 August  12 noon – 4pm

Green space outside Aldi, Shultern Lane, CV4 7AN

Includes free security marking, bike safety check, small repairs. Free D-locks for the first 7 people to turn up!

Free event organised by Sustrans [https://www.sustrans.org.uk/]

Family activities will also be provided

1 September 11am – 4pm

Coventry Fire Station, Radford Road, Coventry CV1 4EL

Doctor Bike is to be confirmed

Free event organised by West Midlands Fire Service [https://www.wmfs.net/events/open-day-at-coventry-fire-station-wmfs-50th-anniversary-celebration/]

Family activities will also be provided

21 September 11am – 2pm In front of Decathlon, Arena Park, CV6 6AS

Cycling UK regional celebration event. Free.

Organised by Cycling UK.

Food, music and giveaways will also be provided

Inclusive cycling

From Monday 29 July and every Monday in August, the Outdoors Partnership is running free sessions for adults to try accessible and inclusive cycles. This will give adults a chance to ride a cycle that may be more suited to their physical needs compared to a standard bicycle. As the programme develops, participants will even get the chance to ride out on our cycleway network and have opportunity to be trained as ride leaders.

The first sessions are 10am-12 noon and 1pm-3pm on 29 July 2024 at AT7 Centre, 12 Bell Green Rd, Coventry CV6 7GP.

For more information and to book your place, contact sarah.ramsey@outdoorpartnership.co.uk [mailto:sarah.ramsey@outdoorpartnership.co.uk] or phone 07742 875 222

Come and try bikes poster Inclusive cycling for adults poster

Cycle Coventry

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street