Welcome to the Coventry JSNA

Welcome to the Coventry Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

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Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

About the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

What is the Coventry Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)?

Welcome to the Coventry Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) 2023. The JSNA brings together evidence about the health and wellbeing of Coventry residents, to help leaders across health and care understand and work together to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Coventry.

Health is more than the healthcare system: it is not just about NHS hospitals, doctors, or nurses. Instead, health is about people’s lives. Indeed, people’s health is determined by their economic and social circumstances, such as:

  • their communities - whether they have access to a good network of family and friends.
  • their prospects - whether they have access to good jobs and education; and
  • their environment - whether they live in a good neighbourhood with access to green spaces.

These social circumstances determine people’s health and well-being, and therefore, are known as social determinants of health.

This JSNA contains a full range of evidence to provide decision-makers with an understanding of local people and communities. It contains a lot of numbers and statistics because these are essential to show the trends of how things have changed, as well as comparisons with other places. However, because health is about people, this JSNA also contains a lot of evidence from local people and local community groups.

About this JSNA

The Health and Social Care Act of 2012 places a duty on Health and Wellbeing Boards to produce a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.

In April 2018, the Coventry Health and Wellbeing Board authorised a move towards a place-based approach to the JSNA, with the production of a citywide JSNA profile and JSNA profiles for each of the city’s eight Family Hub reach areas.

Since the production of the last JSNA, there have been huge external influences on the health and wellbeing of our residents. The COVID-19 pandemic shone a light on inequalities within our communities and has fundamentally altered our lives. There have been changes to what we value, our communities and how they function, our ways of working and to our economy. The data within this profile reflects these changes.

This JSNA is produced in 2023 by Coventry City Council with cooperation from partners across the Coventry Health and Wellbeing Board and ideas contributed by community organisations and residents.

Each JSNA profile is structured as follows:

  • Demographics and Community
  • Prospects
  • Environment
  • Health and Wellbeing

For each topic area covered, the JSNA explores:

  • Why is this important?
  • What is the local picture? How does it compare?
  • What is happening in the city? What else can be done?

In addition to the JSNA profiles, detailed statistical data and evidence are available in the citywide intelligence hub [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/citywideintelhub]. The hub provides tools to compare different measures and indicators of all kinds.


Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Key recommendations

Demographics and community

Harnessing the city’s growth and diversity

  • The city must be prepared for a growing, changing and increasingly diverse population. Due to uncertainty in understanding future population growth, a deeper analysis of Coventry demographics and its population estimates, and projection may be useful. With the anticipated growth in older people, there is a need to focus on preventative health amongst the working age population.
  • Some areas are more diverse than others with population growth concentrated in certain parts of the city, which should be a consideration when reviewing service provision.
  • Utilising community assets to help address specific needs and present opportunities for local residents to actively get involved.
  • Grassroot organisations promote community cohesion and could achieve greater success with additional funding for expanding their capabilities and exchanging knowledge.
  • The public sector has a responsibility to change how it works with community groups across and between sectors. There is appetite across local and voluntary organisations for more joined up working to improve awareness and communication of the activities and networks available in the city.
  • Partners across Coventry must consider appropriate messaging to address local anxieties, stakeholder groups are essential in addressing issues in specific neighbourhoods.
  • It is important for Coventry to deliver effective integration support to newly arrived communities to provide a solid foundation for newcomers to rebuild their lives, and subsequently become socially and economically independent.


Helping people to access opportunities and thrive

  • Giving every child the best start in life is crucial for securing health and reducing health inequalities across the life course. Therefore, investment in effective early help has a positive impact on the lives of children and young people and is a high priority. This can be aided by strengthening the availability and accessibility of general information and advice to parents.
  • Schools and colleges play a pivotal role in raising the aspirations of young people and can continue to raise aspirations by improving awareness of the significant and growing opportunities in highly paid jobs available in the city, which require people with the right skills and qualifications.
  • It's important that residents aren’t left behind in being able to access digital opportunities.
  • Community assets are crucial to health through the opportunities and services they provide and indirectly, through a sense of empowerment and control.


Connected, safe and sustainable communities

  • There is opportunity to work with communities to protect and improve existing green space and create new ones in areas most in need, and to implement nature-based interventions for health, such as green walking or green social prescribing.
  • Initiatives to tackle climate change present opportunities for public services, and the private and third sector to work closer together to bolster community resilience and address inequalities in the wider environmental determinants of health.
  • A more detailed understanding of local needs should be developed through the place-based JSNA profiles, to address pockets of dissatisfaction with local neighbourhoods, and issues such as access and affordability of housing and local air quality.
  • A joined-up approach is essential for tackling the city’s homelessness and rough sleeping problem, recognising the intersection of severe and multiple disadvantages faced by people.
  • Partners should look to provide more opportunities for people to shape services, including involving people with lived experiences.
  • Green corridors form an important element of the landscape within Coventry, however there are some barriers to accessing these spaces that need to be addressed. Further work is required to address perceptions of anti-social behaviour, personal safety, dog fouling and access issues relating to volumes of traffic, busy roads and safety concerns for cyclists. Further investment is also required to improve the quality and facilities of some green spaces.

Health and wellbeing

Healthy and independent for longer

  • As life expectancy is below average and health outcomes are worse in more deprived areas, a targeted approach of appropriate support to each group is essential to improve health and wellbeing for all groups.
  • Further study may be useful to understand the impact of COVID 19 in Coventry and it differs from the national picture overall.
  • A more detailed analysis of causes of death in Coventry, and their contribution to heath inequality may be useful. As well as an analysis of the diseases and causes of ill health and disability.
  • Ensuring communities understand and trust public health messages, and that they are accessible and culturally appropriate is vital.
  • Building on existing health and wellbeing infrastructures having a collaborative partnership approach, bringing together residents’ experience and partners’ skills and assets, should be taken to strengthen health and wellbeing in communities.
  • In line with the shift to focus on prevention, a community-informed and culturally competent approach is essential to increasing screening and vaccination rates.
  • Digital Access adds another dimension to inequalities of access to healthcare and should be a consideration.


Working together in our places and with our communities.

Health is determined by people’s social circumstances such as their communities, prospects and environment; and similarly, this approach to addressing and improving these circumstances must also be rooted in local people and communities. Growing this capacity in the communities require improving connectivity. This can be done by:

  • distributing leadership – valuing the community leaders that are already working in this space as they have the trust, networks, understanding and legitimacy, and getting behind existing partnerships; 
  • joining forces – getting the public sector to work together by pooling resources to build capacity and connections, investing resources to enable communities to maximise social action; 
  • grassroots activities – making social action activities across the different sectors more visible; and 
  • forging links – building links and generating connectivity by helping partners and communities share what they do, and helping them learn from, and build partnerships, with each other.


Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Coventry Citywide Profile


Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Coventry place-based JSNA profiles

Place-based profiles

Previous place-based profiles


Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Citywide intelligence hub


Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Further information

Data sources

COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Previous JSNAs

Find out more


Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

2024 summaries


Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097