Supported housing options and residential care homes

Sheltered housing

Sheltered housing (also known as retirement housing) means having your own flat or bungalow in a block, or on a small estate, where all the other residents are older people as well. Most developments (or 'schemes') provide independent, self-contained homes with their own front doors.

Many schemes also have their own 'manager' either living on-site or nearby, who run the scheme and help arrange any services residents need. Managed schemes will also usually have some shared facilities, such as a lounge for residents to meet, a laundry, a guest flat and a garden.

Housing with Care

Housing with Care, sometimes known as Extra Care, is housing designed for frailer adults and older people, with various levels of care and support available on site. People who live in Housing with Care have their own self-contained flats, their own front doors and a legal right to live in the property. It comes in many forms, including blocks of flats, bungalow estates and retirement villages. It is a popular choice among older people because it can sometimes be an alternative to a residential or nursing home.

In Coventry there is a range of Housing with Care schemes run by both the Council and private companies.

Shared Lives

The Shared Lives Scheme is a personalised service that provides people with disabilities with the support they need to live an independent life in the community. This support is provided by Shared Lives Carers and their families using their family home. Shared Lives placements can be for an extended stay, short break, or short stay.

Residential Care Homes

A residential care home is accommodation that provides care and support for people who need regular help or supervision. There is a range of homes across Coventry that the Council either runs, or purchases services from. The Council also purchases a number of places outside the city (this can be for a range of reasons, such as specialist services being unavailable in the city or customer choice). In Coventry there is a range of different care homes, each catering for people with varying needs and disabilities, for example, dementia. Some care homes are registered to provide both residential and nursing care.

Nursing Homes

A nursing home is similar to a residential home, but with a nurse or nurses, on site to support people with health-specific issues. The NHS may be able to help with the cost of these placements with NHS Continuing Healthcare funding.

If you, a family member or someone you care for are thinking about residential or nursing care, why not contact Adult Social Care Direct to talk about whether you would benefit from an assessment of your needs before choosing a residential care or nursing home. There are often other alternative types of support which might suit your situation.

Adult Social Care Direct

Speech impairment, deaf or hard of hearing? You can call using Next Generation Text (also known as Text Relay and TypeTalk): Call 18001 024 7683 3003

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 3003