We arrange funerals when we are told when people have died with no next of kin or where there may not be enough funds to carry out a funeral service. In these cases, we may be asked to arrange the funeral.

It is our duty, under the Public Health Control of Disease Act 1984 section 46(i), to arrange a cremation or a burial for a person who has died within our area where no suitable funeral arrangements have been, or are being, made.

It is most important that you contact us before any arrangements are made with a Funeral Director.

Please be aware that by law the first claim on any estate is for the funeral costs. We will, therefore, reclaim costs if an estate is found to exist.

Financial assistance

If the funeral has not yet been arranged, we may provide a basic funeral if the following are met:

  • The death happened in the community (not in the hospital, etc)
  • The person responsible for making the funeral arrangements is not in receipt of the following from the Benefits Agency:
    • Income Support
    • Income-related Employment & Support Allowance
    • Working Families Tax Credit
    • Housing Benefit
    • Pension Credit
    • Disabled Persons Tax Credit
    • Income-based Job Seekers' Allowance
    • Child Tax Credit
    • Universal Credit

What is provided

We will provide:

  • Funeral Director's services
  • Hearse
  • Direct Burial or cremation (the provision of burial is dependent on criteria)
  • Coffin

(Please be advised burial will take place in a communal burial plot located at Lenton's Lane Cemetery only)

All our advice, help and arrangements will recognise and value the cultural and religious traditions of the family involved.

What is not provided:

  • Death Notice in newspaper
  • Floral tributes
  • Urn for ashes/interment of ashes
  • Limousines
  • An attended service with minister / officiant

Please be advised it is not possible to 'upgrade' any part of the above detailed services supplied.

Bereavement services

Address: The Lodge
Cannon Hill Road

Telephone: 024 7697 5520 [tel:02476975520]

Public health funerals we arranged

A spreadsheet listing the public health funerals conducted by Coventry City Council is available and is updated quarterly [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/6254/public_health_funerals].

In such cases, we may pass details of a person's estate to the Treasury Solicitor Bona Vacantia division [http://www.gov.uk/bonavacantia] so they can deal with the administration of the estate of a person who has died with no next of kin. This is shown on the spreadsheet and in these cases, the deceased's name is provided.

In all cases, we will not reveal the person's last known address as there is a risk of burglaries of empty properties.

In cases where the information has not been referred to the Treasury Solicitor due to the next-of-kin being known us, the person's name is not published to protect the health and wellbeing of any surviving relatives.

Bereavement services

Address: The Lodge
Cannon Hill Road

Telephone: 024 7697 5520 [tel:02476975520]

What do I do if I believe I may be related to someone who has died recently and received a public health funeral?

Please contact The Bereavement Services office.

Bereavement services

Address: The Lodge
Cannon Hill Road

Telephone: 024 7697 5520 [tel:02476975520]