
Hello, I’m Councillor Jim O’Boyle. I’m here at Warwick University looking at this West Midlands trial bus on-demand. What is this about? This is about trying to get people from a private car into public transport. There’s a special bit of technology here – an app. A company called Vere are bringing the technology so people can log on and actually order this bus on-demand. A really good idea. Again, Coventry is looking at all different types of transport. E-scooters are being trialled right here on this campus at the moment. Of course, Coventry’s got the most electric vehicle charging points anywhere in the country (outside of London), all our buses are going electric in the next 4 years and of course, we’re the location of the UK’s battery industrialisation centre. The green industrial revolution is starting here. Very Light Rail as well, must get that plug in. Really really important. All new technology, all ways to move people from older polluting vehicles to green, clean transport, and this is another innovation that’s happened here right in the heart of Coventry. So, come and have a look at it. When the trial is up and running, take the opportunity, download the app.

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