
Cllr Kamran Caan: Hi, I’m councillor Kamran Caan, Cabinet Member of Public Health and Sport.  The chair of the Coventry Health and Wellbeing board.

Cllr Pat Seaman: Hi everyone, I’m councillor Pat Seaman and I’m Cabinet Member for Children and Young People at Coventry City Council and today we're going to be talking about Kooth, a brand new digital online program.

Cllr Kamran Caan:  Yeah yeah it's a fantastic service, Kooth. Pat you've stole my line there but they're very important. I think Kooth is a fantastic service. It's an opportunity, especially for our younger generation who use a lot of the digital platforms and this enables them. Do you want to tell us a bit about it Patricia?

Cllr Pat Seaman: Yes, so this is a free, anonymous, digital counselling service for 11 to 25-year olds. It's to support young people with their emotional health and well-being and it's a way to get early help when things start to not feel quite right. So, you can book one-to-one support in advance or you can set up your own text chat service. There's also an opportunity for peer-to-peer support for other young people that might be feeling the same way that you might be right now and also there's lots of self-help tools like your own journal or feelings and emotions tracker. There's also a magazine and plenty of activities to be involved in. So, it sounds as though it's going to be a great opportunity Kamran.

Cllr Kamran Caan:  Yeah, it's fantastic. I think the key thing is 11 to 25 is the target audience. We want to make sure it's accessible. We want to thank obviously our own Coventry City Council alongside Coventry CCG with Warwickshire. I think its fantastically funded program that's going to actually give accessibility and I think that's the key thing. We need accessibility and we just want to make it a little bit easier for everybody and I think you know mental health is everybody's problem, it's everybody's issue. Why shouldn't you know our community members gets an added service which is available so easily through kooth. Any final words?

Cllr Pat Seaman: No, just get active, get online, sign up and get that support.

Cllr Kamran Caan: Thank you

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